Chapter Twelve

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The sound of beeping machines and people shuffling in the room woke Matt. His body was paralyzed with exhaustion. He could hear voices around him, but Komazzi's voice stuck out.

"He's lucky Dr. Peele tipped off Bane about Frank or things could have been much worse," another man's voice stated. Matt could hear the sound of a pen scribbling on a clipboard.

"Is he going to recover?" Komazzi questioned. The vampire's cold hand gently rubbed Matt's arm like a parent would their sick child.

"I took out all the fragments I could find, but I can't make any promises we won't have to go back in. His leg and shoulder should heal without issue. However, my concern is this chest wound," the man continued. The ripping of tape removing the bandages from his chest was incredibly painful. However, Matt couldn't seem to gain control of his ability to speak or make a noise.

"That incision is going to leave a nasty scar," Komazzi observed.

"The bigger issue is there seems to be some kind of liquid in the bullets that we can't identify, and it's in his heart now, pumping into his bloodstream," the man explained. Matt's heart sped up as his mind raced to come up with all of the possible toxins that were flooding his body. One of the beeping monitors sounded a screeching alarm. "His heart rate is going up. I'm going to increase the sedative."

Matt fought to stay awake but was once again lost in the darkness of sleep. He had no idea how long had passed since he was last awake, but he could tell it must be nighttime. The usual craziness of the medical wing had calmed, and only the occasional beep and the tapping of shoes on tile floors of nurses checking on patients filled the room. He heard the distinct clicking of someone in high heels getting closer to his bed.

"You have no right to be here," Komazzi's voice growled, startling Matt. He always forgot how quiet the vampire could be. Matt felt completely numb. Whatever they were giving him for pain was still keeping him frozen in place.

"I'm sorry, I had no idea what they were planning when I called Matt," the secretary's voice echoed through the quiet room. Matt could feel himself drifting back to sleep.

The last thing he heard was Komazzi's voice. "You had no right to call him without my explicit permission."

The warm sun hitting him woke him up once more. He managed to crack his eyes open and could faintly make out Komazzi sitting in the far corner of the room, still shrouded in darkness. His vision was still very blurry, but Matt could also make out a man that looked like Bane. Whatever they were talking about seemed to be getting heated.

"I told you he was a liability! You are the one who refused to listen," Bane's voice rang out. A nurse entering the room briefly hesitated before receiving a very obvious 'get lost' look from the dark-haired man. She quickly scurried out of the room.

"He's not just another one of your assets, he's..." Komazzi started, but paused, almost as though he was afraid to say what he wanted to.

"He's what, like a son to you? I don't give a fucking shit if your blood is in his veins. He's far too valuable to be risking in the field. You know that just as well as I do," Bane snapped, shoving the smaller man into the wall. Matt didn't understand; Komazzi may have fed from him, but he made it a point to never drink Komazzi's blood. As much as he wanted to ask, he didn't dare let the two men know he was awake.

"I've got it under control," Komazzi insisted, his eyes locking with Matt's. He heard Komazzi's voice in his head screaming at him to close his eyes and pretend to be asleep. Quickly, Matt's eyes snapped shut. "I added to his abilities. If they attack again, they won't stand a chance."

"You'd better make certain this time because I won't let this happen again. Next time his luck may run out, and if he compromises our security, I won't hesitate to take care of him myself." Bane walked over to Matt, who did his best to control his breathing in feigned sleep. The heat from Bane's body almost burned as he brushed some hair from Matt's face. "You're lucky Cat likes you, Mattie," Bane said. "You're also a horrible actor. Komazzi, he's all yours." Bane left the room without another word.

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