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Jacob's POV
I slept with Ro in my arms with Ellie next to her everything was perfect until I heard the alarm go off and Bella scream so Ro got up with Ellie following her as I grabbed my clothes that my dad dropped off Ellie sat in front of Ro's bathroom door and when Ro walked out she was wearing ( up top) and she leashes up Ellie and we walk downstairs and since I already phased I ate a big breakfast as I was eating and Ro and Ellie were too Bella came down and ate a piece of toast and milk as we got done we all walked outside after we grabbed are bags well more like I grabbed Ro's and mine and Bella tried to make me carry hers key word tried so me and Ro got in the car with Ellie in the back when we got to school I helped Ro out and everyone looked at her she just looked down and walked to the other side to get Ellie when she came back everyone looked at her and gasped I glared at everyone cause all the boys were checking her out as we walked to Are first class cause she already got her schedule we had all are classes together the first class was English and the teacher was a real bitch as we walked in everyone started to whisper the teacher looked at Ro and glared at Ellie "why is their a dog in my class room?"she asked "probably cause she is my service dog and I have a papers and everything to prove it"Ro said back "what is your name" the teacher asked "Rosanna parks swan" Ro said politely she told us to take a seat so Ro sat with me and Ellie under the desk we sat threw the whole lesson just listening while Ro wrote down a bunch of notes in her notebook when the bell rang it was time for lunch Ro packed me and her lunch when we sat down she gave me my food and hers and grabbed Ellie's portable food and water dishes so as we began eating the rest of the pack came in with their lunch and sat down and started eating "Ro come with me real quick" we heard Bella say Ro looked up at her and glared "Don't call me that and no I don't want to" Ro said Bella grabbed someone by the arm and it was Edward when Ro saw Edward she froze up she started to shake violently and Leah saw what was happening so she hurried up and grabbed Ro and payed her flat down so Ellie can do her job everyone saw what happened and got up to see what happened and when that did "Hey back up" I yelled I saw Ellie lay on Ro chest really close to her face Leah dialed the ambulance and before we new it they were here and......

Hi guys my name is Sade but I liked to be called rivara even though it is know where near my name but anyways I am the Author and I will be working on more stories later but vote on this one if you want the next page.! :D Why did Rosanna have a seizure? Did Edward cause it? Why would her PTSD trigger that? Vote to find out what happens. :)))


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