Smaller Agents

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Clint brought the jet down and when we all had walked out the back ramp we saw a nice house on lots of farmland. We all walk towards the house and I have to say this is one of the nicest safe houses I have been at. "I'm home!" Clint yelled when we got in the door. Wait home to who? "What is this place?" Thor said. "A safe house?" Tony and I said at the same time which was more of a question than an answer really. "Let's hope", Clint says as he walks through the front door and announces "Honey I'm home". A heavily pregnant woman then walks around the corner and into what I think is the living room. "Hi. Company. Sorry I didn't call ahead." Clint apologises as he kisses the women. "Hey," the women say holding onto Clint looking kind of nervous around us. "This is an agent of some kind" Tony whispers beside me making me slightly chuckle. "Gentleman and Andy, this is Laura." Clint finally says introducing us to who I'm guessing is his wife. "I know all your names." She says as she looks at everyone and when she looks at me her face slightly changes to a worried one. Before I could ask anything Clint slightly yells "Ooh incoming!" as two kids run in and hug him.

"These are...smaller agents," I say to Tony and Thor, Tony chuckles but Thor just looks confused. As Clint and Nat speak to the kids Tony and Cap go and speak to Laura. While this is all happening I go an sit outside needing some fresh air. All of a sudden Thor rushes out, "Thor" Cap yells as Thor stomps off away from the house.  "I saw something in that dream. I need answers, I won't find them here." Thor says as he swings his hammer and flies away. "Well that was dramatic," I say as Cap sits down next to me. "Guess so, so anything new happen with the body thing?" Cap asks. I laugh at how he worded the question but know I need to tell him. "Well.. when Ultron and the twins had me I managed to crush Ultrons arm with my bare hands and then was quick enough to get away from the twins and then was fine when I jumped from two stories up! Cap, I shouldn't have been able to do any of that stuff and I dont know why I can!" I said letting all my worries out. "Andy, look at me. It's going to be ok. We will find out what is happening and it might be a good thing. By the sounds of it, we could be strong buddies hahaha" Cap said making me laugh and feel better. "Thanks Steve," I say and give him a hug. We sit there for a while just chatting when Tony comes out. "Laura asked if we could chop some of the wood over there for her. I say we make a competition out of it!" Tony says knowing I'm extremely competitive. 

Ten minutes later and Tony's pile is half the size of mine and Steves. "Thor didn't say where he was going for answers?" Tony speaks up looking between Steve and me. "Sometimes my teammates don't tell me things. I was kind of hoping Thor would be the exception." Steve says which slightly hurt me after I had just told him all the things I was worried about. "Yeah, give him time. We don't know what the Maximoff kid showed him" Tony says actually sounding sympathetic for once. "'Earth's Mightiest Heroes.' Pulled us apart like cotton candy." Steve says which is extremely accurate. "Seems like you walked away all right." and here we go, Tony just had to say something like that. "Is that a problem?" Steve says looking very pissed off. "I don't trust a guy without a dark side. Call me old fashioned." Tony says, "Well let's just say you haven't seen it yet," Steve says getting in Tony's face. "You know Ultron is trying to tear us apart, right? This is exactly what he wants" I butt in trying to stop there fight before it goes too far. "Well, I guess he'd know. Whether he would tell us is a bit of a question" Steve says still glaring at Tony. "Banner and I were doing research," Tony says defending himself. "That would affect the team," Steve says very pissed off at Tony. "That would end the team. Isn't that the mission? Isn't that the "why" we fight, so we can end the fight, so we get to go home?" Tony says which I kind of agree with.  "Every time someone tries to win a war before it starts, innocent people die. Every time." Steve says right when Laura comes over and asks Tony help fix the tractor. 

Once Tony leave Steve rips apart a piece of wood with his hands. Trying to lighten the mood I say "I wonder if I can do that?" to Steve. "Only one way to find out," he says with a grin and tosses me a piece. I struggle to get a good grip but once I do I tear it in half easily. "Damn Andy weren't kidding when you said you got strong," Steve says looking impressed. This gave me an idea, what if Steve and I race and see whos fastest. Then we would really know if I had changed a lot because I could never beat Steve at a race.

After saying my idea to Steve we agreed on not going easy on each other and that we had to run to a tree line around 400m away. We started running and I was shocked to be able to see Steve at my side and not miles ahead of me. I push my legs to run faster and find myself almost at the trees and not even close to being out of breath. I stop when I get to the trees and Steve is 10m away from me and is breathing hard. What is happening to me!

I'M BACK! Hope you like the new chapter and I now have a plan for how I want the story to go so should find writing a little easier. Enjoy and till next time! - IZZY :)

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