100% Terrified

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It felt like I was holding onto Tony for hours when really it was just a few minutes. I didn't want to ever let go. I felt safe and that is a feeling I needed greatly. "Andy, we have to go, your freezing cold and are covered in cuts and bruises. Come on and we get you checked out." Tony said as he lifted me from the ground. I didn't let go or say anything, I simply nodded my head.

Tony and the others all walked back to the jet in silence. Once inside Tony placed me in one of the seats and sat down on the ground in front of me. He checked over all my cuts and cleaned them up. Steve sat next to me and didn't say anything just had this scared look on his face. "So what did I miss?" I asked breaking the silence. It was only now I realised how tired and beat up everyone looked.

"Well we went and talked slash fought with Ultron, Wanda Maximoff fucked with the majority of our heads. Banner hulked out so I called in Veronica to help. Then we realised you were gone and pretty much after a few hours of searching you called, now we are here and Barton says he has a safe house for us so we are going to lay low there until we are ready to fight again. What's new with you?" Tony summed up quickly obviously not wanting to dwell on the fact they kinda lost this fight.

"Well, I'm 100% terrified of the twins, I'm pretty sure there's something in my system changing me. Like I'm stronger and faster than I should be, I'm extremely tired and want Mc Donalds" the last comment made everyone chuckle but I could see they wanted to ask loads of questions. Before they could Barton called form the cockpit that we should be at the safe house in a few hours so we could get some rest while he flew.

I kept trying to get comfortable in the chair but I just couldn't get in the right position to sleep. "You can lean on me if you want" Steve offered obviously seeing my struggle. "Human cushion activate," I said as I laid my head down on his lap and spread my legs out on the other chair to my right. Steve chuckled at that, I fell into a peaceful sleep as Steve slowly stroked my hair in a calming method. 

"Andy, Andy wake up" I woke up to Tony flicking my nose with a grin on his face. He held up his phone and took a picture. I looked up at Steve who must have fallen asleep with me on his lap. Oh god, I'm never going to hear the end of this one.  "Piss off Tony!" I yelled while trying to grab his phone. With leaning to try and get his phone I lost my balance and rolled off the seats and Steves lap onto the floor with a loud thud and a groan from my lips.

This made Tony laugh even more and woke up Steve. "What happened? Where are we?" Steve asked looking really confused and even more when he saw me on the ground. "Him!" I yelled while pointing at a Tony who was crying from laughing so much. 

"Ok, we are here!" Clint yells from the cockpit with a grin on his face from seeing what just happened.

Yes, I'm alive. I am so so sorry for not updating sooner but with the Christmas break I have coming up I'm hoping to get a lot of writing done.  If you like my work please leave a like and comment, I love to see your guys reactions to things and it means a lot to know that people are enjoying my books. If you'd like to check out my Insta its Isabel_izy, I'm a student photographer and live in Dublin Ireland. Where is everyone else from???

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