Last chapter *cringey af for me*

908 13 42

((Y/N POV))

I sighed contentedly in my fiance's arms. We've been together for about 3 years and we were finally getting married TOMMOROW!! We were currently relaxing on the couch of his house after our exhausting day of finding our best woman and best man. I picked Jazzy and he picked Lin. Everything is perfect. My fiance is perfect. His smile is perfect.My life is perfect(good for you). I smiled gently as my lover slowly rocked me side to side, as I was sitting on his lap.

"I can't wait to get married, love..." He sighed as he ran his fingers through my hair. I chuckled and kissed his jawline. Then he kissed the tip of my nose. I giggled and closed my eyes.

"Me too...........(Davee--

Reader:*slaps me*


"Me too............Anthony~"

Kk I was lazy so that's all I could write😀. If you haven't read my new and most confusing book ever,JunVin, go ahead and read it if you want to, but I guarantee you a whole box of confusion dumped into your head.

Oh and IAM NOT deleting this story at all. Just not continue it. Courtesy of the people who changed  my mind:kate_garsha and MysticCatGamer

Oh, and I am now an A.R.M.Y. and is married to 7 specific persons(I'll give you a hint of who they are: all together, they are called BTS). But my main cutie among the cutest cuties is Park Jimin. 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍Yes, 7 emojis for my 7 bbys. Bai Bai.


Theater Love |Anthony Ramos x reader| [DISCONTINUED, SORRY]Where stories live. Discover now