Chapter 2

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((Anthony POV))

"Ok bye!" I shouted as Y/N closed the door. I've only known her for a few hours but im already falling for her. She was so sweet and funny... I think I like her...I mean, I've been sitting in a room with three other girls but Y/N was different!

"Yo Anthony, whad'ya wanna watch next?" Daveed asked.
"Wut about....(insert favorite movie)!" I said. "Nice!" Lin exclaimed. "Sooo...when are you gon' ask Y/N out?" He added.

"W-what?! Nononononononono"

"Come on! We know you like her!" Jonathan said. "Yeah! Your face is bright red" said Jasmine. I glared at her. "Let's just finish this damn movie"

After the long movie, we decided to get some beer and bought like, 20 cases of Vodka. We drank all and passed out all over the living room.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up to Lins dog barking. They were so noisy. I stood up and looked out the window. SQUIRREL! The dogs were barking at the squirrel! "SHOO!" I yelled at the squirrel. It ran away quickly.

My yelling prolly woke Lin up. He fell off the couch where he passed out, woke up, stood up and said, "Why the f*ck would you scream?!" "Two words: ANNOYING SQUIRREL" I replied. He flopped back on the floor.

((Lin POV)))

I flopped back on the floor. I was so dizzy and hungry at the same time. All I remember last night was that me and Groff had a drinking contest to see who was the strongest. I looked at the clock.

9:00............................WAIT! HOW COULD I FORGET?! Y/N invited me to go to the mall with her friend at 10:00!! Sh*t!

After a few minutes, I stood up, trying not to fall over.I walked to my phone on the table while Anthony stared at me with a confused look on his face.

"What are you doing? Aren't you tired?" He asked. "Yes, I am tired. And I am texting Y/N to tell her that im going to the mall with her......Hey wanna come? Were gonna watch a movie" "Sure! Im bored anyway! I'll go home and get ready"

Anthony left two minutes later. I knew he was doing this to see
Y/N again. I texted Y/N but my vision was a bit of a blur and I think I spelled some words wrong...


Y/N: Lin, u still coming to the mall rite?

Lin: yeaeah ztill guta git raieady amd Amfony's conmingh tou k?
(Yeah still gotta get ready and Anthony's coming too k?)

Y/N: Sure im cool with that and are you drunk? You don't text like that when you're not drunk

Lin: imn mot drrunlk buutt I has beerer lazt nigght
(Im not drunk but I had beer last night)

Y/N:Oke..? How about you get ready and we wait for you at mall?

Lin:Okiiee dokkeeeiie
(Okie dokie)

------------------------end of texts---------------------

Ok. I have at least 1 hour to get ready. I showered and put on some clothes:

 I showered and put on some clothes:

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Theater Love |Anthony Ramos x reader| [DISCONTINUED, SORRY]Where stories live. Discover now