Chapter 2: The mysterious strangers

Start from the beginning

"We have been waiting for a while for your arrival, my love," another stranger materialized out of nowhere. This stranger stood near the bedroom door and stared lovingly at Ashley. The second stranger is an exact replica of the first one, confusing Ashley even further. Upon further inspection, Ashley realized that both of them are twins and the only thing that sets them apart is the colour of their eyes - blue and green. Both their gaze is penetrating deep into her soul, smirking at her. Ashley blushed harder. She's been checking both of them out and they caught her.

"I - my – I," Ashley stammered, unable to find her words.

Both the strangers smiled kindly at her. They both kept their distance but at the same time showed their care and concern with their expression. Ashley took a deep breath and poured herself a glass of water from the jug that was placed on top of the dining table and gulped unladylike. She kept the glass down slowly and turned to face the twins slowly, strategizing her next move. She felt trapped under their deep gaze yet felt like she knew them personally. She straightened her shoulder, braced herself, and looked at both of them.

"Where am I?" she questioned.

"You are in our cabin, in our pack land," the green-eyed stranger answered standing by the fireplace.

"Who are you both?"

"My name is Christian - and this is my brother Christopher," the green-eyed stranger motioned towards the blue-eyed stranger. He smiled back at Ashley.

Ashley nodded. Now she knows their identity - not that it means anything but at least they are making progress. She made her way towards the living room and took a seat at the three-seater sofa, slumping loudly. The twins smiled at her antics, saying nothing. They made their way towards her and took a seat closer to her on the two-seater sofa and looked at her kindly.

"Why am I here?" she looked at both of them expectantly. Ashley knows that she's dreaming, a dream that feels so real but not sure of the purpose.

"The magic works when you put it on - it allows us access to meet you on another realm," Christopher said cryptically.

"I don't understand - when I put what on, exactly?" Ashley questioned. "Why do you both want to meet me?" she added feeling confused.

"Do you not recognize us, Ashley?" Christian asked, looking at her directly. His stare is so powerful and deep, making Ashley squirm in her seat - not in a bad way but with want - a need to satisfy herself sexually. Her nipple felt like a bullet behind her flimsy pyjamas' material which she's pretty sure that both the twins can see clearly. She tries to shift in her seat, hiding her arousal but fails miserably.

What is going on? Ashley thought to herself. Clearly, something is happening to herself. She felt - she felt - horny. A feeling that is quite foreign to her for Ashley is a virgin. She never had such feelings ever before but now she wanted the twins to touch her, please her, and do wicked things to her. Her body is burning with desire with their stares. She noticed that both of them had closed the distance between her and sandwiched her in that three-seater sofa. She can smell their cologne and it's clouding her perception and she needs to act quickly before something wrong happens. Ashley is filled with the desire to sexually satisfy herself but at the same time wants to get away from this place - away from the twins.

Ashley exhaled loudly and tried to stand up - anything to get away from the twin who had sandwiched her in that three-seater sofa but before she could do so, a hand snaked itself around her wrist and pulled her back towards the sofa. Ashley landed with a small hump. She looked at Christian crossly for pulling her back but overwhelmed with their presence. She stared at the twins who were smiling wickedly towards her. They seem like they have multiple naughty things planned for her. Ashley shuddered with desire and want. Her breath came out panting.

Desire: Awakening (A ménage à trois novella) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now