Chapter 3

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I hadn't spoken to Seung-Ho properly since that night, but for each day this whole week I would of course find myself thinking about him. Most of the time I was thinking about how everything was with his parents than just him in general. A part of me wanted to comfort him and ask him how things were at home, but another part of me knew that I shouldn't do it with any misplaced motives.

I was disgusted with myself, the more I tried to forget about the way he made me feel the more he came up in my mind. Is this a curse? I probably shouldn't even feel this bad about something as natural as liking someone, but why? Why is it so hard to stop liking somebody?

This morning I had to wake up earlier than usual for basketball practice. The new team was being formed after the previous seniors left, so try-outs for the freshmen were taking place. I know what you're thinking, me? As short as I am, I actually enjoy basketball and I'm actually not too bad at it.

I struck up the confidence to not let my height discourage me and applied when we were in high school. Although the other girls on the team were pretty tall, my winning streak from the old team must have helped get me in to the University team. And I mean, it was either basketball or acrobatics.

Acrobatics was a no-go area.

Somehow, I had become a key figure for the team, and even though I won't be doing much this year besides help with training, my presence was needed to reassure everyone else.

After getting on the shuttle bus, I fell asleep and almost missed my stop, but I still managed to arrive an hour early. When I saw that no one was there yet, I started to question my ability for timing. I hated to be late, so I usually tried to arrive early for any appointments that I have, but once again I came too early.

With no one there, I decided to make the best of my hate for lateness. I found an empty cubicle in the changing rooms and snuggled up with my bag to make up for lack of sleep.

I opened my eyes once I heard the sound of the door opening and closing with its usual creak. I let out a yawn and frowned after checking the time on my watch to find out it had been forty minutes already. It felt like five. But it's better that I slept here than in class, I guess.

As I stood up and started to change into a more appropriate outfit, I could hear familiar voices coming through the door and it wasn't until their conversation had progressed did I recognise the owners to be Bo-Ra and So-Hee.

"Did you sort out your application for that internship yet? Didn't you say the deadline was in a few weeks or something?" That soft voice belonged to Bo-Ra. Oh? Application? I hadn't heard she was applying for an internship.

"I'm almost done, I'll just need to gloss over it. I think I'll get Seung-Ho to help." That was So-Hee.

I was going to call out to them, but with my sweatshirt wrapped around my head, I paused when their flow of conversation drifted to something else.

"How are things with Seung-Ho going?" Bo-Ra asked, and I could hear So-Hee let out a huge sigh. She was probably rolling her eyes right about now, which was what she always did, the two actions worked like a combo.

"I don't know, it's going alright I think. It'll probably be going better if there weren't other people in the way, you know."

"Other people like who?"

Yeah... Other people like who? I had to pull the sweatshirt over my head to come back to my senses. I was acting like I was eavesdropping on them, technically I was but I didn't mean it in that way and I wasn't liking the sudden feeling of curiosity that washed over me.

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