The Beginning

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Mystic Falls, Virginia 2,000 years ago

"Amara, can you bring me my grimwore sister" a woman asks her younger sister.
"Of course sister, shouldn't you be doing anything but magic with your condition?" Amara asks her older sister afraid for her when she does magic. 
" you shouldn't worry so much sister, I know my limits of what I can do. I will be alright. I promise. " the woman says putting a hand to her little sisters face, she smiles. "Gather Mirela please it is almost time for supper" the woman says gesturing to the small brunette child entranced by a bunch of flowers.

After Amara leaves her alone she starts to feel drained. This happened a lot when she tapped into her magic. Not wanting to alarm her daughter or her sister she puts on a smile and gets back to her spell. It's a protection spell for the entire Petrova  bloodline. She pulls out some orange roots and manga leaves. Putting those into a bowl she grabs a knife and pokes her finger. Letting her blood drip into the bowl. When the spell is cast she starts to feel weak. Amara and her daughter Mirela choose to walk in the small hut in that moment. Amara rushes over to her sister and helps her stand. Mirela runs to her mother clinging on for dear life.

"Sil, what did you do sister?" Amara asks her sister as both her and her neice Mirela sit her sister down.
" A simple spell sister. Don't worry I will be alright. Mirela come here dear" Silveria says to her sister and daughter. Silveria cradles her daughter as she tries to gain back her strength. As Mirela falls asleep in her mother's arms Silveria and Amara talk as Silveria has questions for her little sister.

"Amara, I hope you are being careful. If Quetsiyah finds out about you and Solar I fear the worst" Silveria tells her sister.
"I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself Sil. I promise you nothing will happen because she will not find out. Me and Silas have been meeting in secret. And you're one to tell me. You've been pining for Quetsiyah since you two have known each other Sil" Amara tells her older sister.

Silveria blushes at the thought of Quetsiyah. She fumbles over her words as she talks to her sister.

"I-I have not. A lady never pines for her love. She simply watches her love be happy even if it's not with her. And you should do the same. Silas Salvatore is betrothed to Quetsiyah. That is it. You can't change it Amara. He will marry her. The least you and I can do is be happy for them when they do" Silveria tells her sister

"And what if they do not. What if Quetsiyah realizes she loves someone else. What then Silveria. What would you do then sister?" Amara says trying to get her sister to fight for Quetsiyah as she fights for Silas.

Silveria stands up careful not to wake her daughter. She carried her daughter to her room as Amara follows behind her.

"If that happens and she does love someone else I will be happy for her. I will love her from the sidelines as I have done for 20 years now. You know it is not right for a lady to love another lady Amara. I shall keep my feelings hidden as I've done for 20 years." Silveria tells her sister quietly as to not wake up her daughter.

Quetsiyah and Silas's Wedding:

Quetsiyah is in her room in her wedding gown looking into a large piece of glass. She smoothes out her gown. Smiling from ear to ear as she realizes she's getting married today. Her smile falters as she pictures Silveria Petrova in her mind. That woman that aids her every whim. Her best friend. She loves Silas but she can't help but love Silveria. She questions herself in her mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2019 ⏰

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