Becky Takes a Dive

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Rebbecca was just your average everyday fifth grader... no she wasn't... she was actually a giant nerd that spent every day, all day, at her school library buried in a mountain of books. Needless to say, all of Becky's best friends were just that, books. the only connection Rebecca even had to the outside world was her precious smart phone. Whenever her nose wasnt binding  deep in a 3,584 page textbook, her thumbs were flying at the speed of light checking her twitter, snapchat, tumblr, facebook, vine, myspace, meetme,, and dungeons and dragons fan blog. You and I might think, "wow what a boring life." but not Becky, this life actually suited her quite well and she was perfectly content.

it was a beautiful sunny spring day outside, Becky hated nice days. they reminded her of people actually setting down gods leatherbound masterpieces and going out into the great outdoors to EXERCISE... scary stuff, i know. it was on this beautiful spring day that becky decided that today was a good day to go to the library and read a book. shocker, no? with how beautiful the weather was it's quite easy to infer that lonely little becky was the only one in the library that day. this brought joy to rebecca's heart! she was free to roam the endless corridors and labyrinths of paper and ink without having to listen to sneers and filthy comments made under peoples breaths as she skipped merrily by running her fingers along the thousands of thick bindings with their endless array of knowledge, adventure, and art. she searched the shelf with her keen literature hawk eye and not so daintily plucked the largest leather bound she could find that she hadn't already read. something about the ins and outs of the stock exchange of the 1930's FASCINATING! Becky chose her favorite one seater little cubicle in the farthest reaches of the enormous library and settled in to the nice cozy hard oak chair.

after about twenty minutes of reading, she reached page 1,539. it must have been an off day for her because she was reading at a rather groggy pace for her norm. she decided to take a little jaunt and stretch her reading muscles. as she skipped down the aisles she reached what she knew to be the very last aisle of books, or so she thought. As Becky came to the very end she realized do her disbelief that she was wrong. there was one more aisle! her eyes snapped straight up to see the aisle's ID card, for what authors last name could possibly be farther down the alphabet than Zzuwulsy? Surely none, Becky had read all of Zzuwulsy's books herself! there on the small white index card taped to the top of that aisles shelf in Bold black Times New Roman read plain and simple, REBECCA. she couldn't help herself within 2 one hundredths of a second she was halfway down the aisle reading the title of every book she had ever fallen in love with. it was like the library gods had gathered together the greatest titles in the history of the universe and put them in a section just for rebecca.

Becky couldn't believe her eyes she whipped out her smartphone to look at the sundial app on her lock screen that told her what time it was. however; when she pressed the power button the screen flashed a brilliant white, and nothing could be seen no matter how many things or button combinations she tried. she threw her tiny little readers fists into the air in frustration knocking down a giant green book titled, Soybeans and Why They Make Our World a Better Place, with a yelp of pain her smart phone went flying from her hand as the 3 pound book crashed into her right pinky toe. the book landed open, and the phone landed face up in the middle of a page with Chapter seventy three; The Soybean Revolution of 1892. except there on her beloved smart phone's screen was no longer a dazzling white background but a miniature scene unfolding of what looked like olden time townsfolk marching with pitchforks torches and bale fuls of what she could only guess to be millions of soybean plants. Becky was speechless, she knelt down to retrieve the lost piece of technology except instead of picking it right up she had the sudden strong urge to attempt to stick her hand straight into the screen. contrary to all laws of physics and the time space continuum her hand slid easily into the small screen and before she could react Becky found herself sucked like a giant vacuum into the two and a half by four inch of plastic metal and wires. next thing becky knew she was in a long rather stuffy dress with a matching blue bonnet torch in one hand, Soybean plants in another screaming "Give me Soybeans or give me death!" Becky had no clue where this came from, she hadnt ever had an ounceof violence in her or even a violent thought let alone the audacity to scream something so vulgar, and odd. snapping to, she quickly looked around and at her feet saw a deep bliue velvet covered book with LIFE written in bright gold italics on the cover and her smart phone sitting face up with an image of the library on the scree. she wasted absolutely no time in diving right back through that phone. shot out into the middle of the aisle on the other side Becky gasped and clutched her chest. never before had so much excitement and adrenaline flowed through her veins. well maybe the one time back in third grade when the school announced that a new wing had been added to the library over the summer. She sat there almost paralyzed for the next ten minutes. her brain was in overload with all the possibilities she had at her fingertips.

Without even thinking about it she started ripping books off the shelf and jumping into them.

"THAR SHE BLOWS!!!" Becca yelled through her giant gray grizzly beard and torrential downpour as she let loose a mighty spear with a heave only possible with a sailors set of muscles hardened by many days at sea. the harpoon struck true but with a mighty flick of its tail The giant white sea beast snapped the puny teather attaching the harpoon to the ship and took off into the deep.

"say it, I wanna hear you say it..."

"Edward i- i- i..." Rebecca stuttered as she felt the wonderful flaming hot but ice cold at the same time breath of an immortal hunk of sexy breathing down her neck,

"put it to words Becca, you have to say what i am!"



Becky's hands were gripping the handle to a large cart piled high with trunks, she was pushing it forward at full speed straight at a brick wall with all she had, she slid smoothly through the brick wall only to hear a loud trains whistle and a conductor screaming "PLATFORM NINE AND THREE QUARTERS!! now boarding for hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry!" not ten minutes later she was zooming through the air on a broom chasing a small golden ball with shiny silver wings to the deafening roar of a super bowl sized crowd 200 feet beneath.

by the time there was no more sunlight streaming through the windows Becca lay there panting for air on top of a mountain of books stacked high. in the last few hours she had ridden on the backs of dragons, been kissed under the Georgia rain, made friends with a giant red dog, traveled through space, fought off hordes of aliens, pirates, mongols, british fleets, spanish armadas, dueled with the most daring swordsmen of the renaissance, crawled through knee deep muck with only one arm because the other one had been blown off by mortars, driven 250 miles and hour around the left hand turns of nascars many tracks, given birth countless times to countless different species, been hung, she had even been the one doing the hanging. Becky had become the most experienced person in the world!

"AHEM!" the librarians voice from above Becky's head as she snapped to realizing she was lying face down in a puddle of her own drool on the desk in front of her opened to the 1,539th page was her soybean book. had that really all been a dream? the realization that of course, nothing so fantastical could ever happen in real life hit her with a crushing blow.

Becky spent the next few days moping around the house depressed that the extremely vivid dream she had days ago was never going to come true. until it eventually hit her. These kinds of experiences, these kinds of thrills pains and wonderment could never be fully experienced through merely reading the ink on a piece of paper. to get ahold of those feelings she needed to get out and see the world herself. make her own stories, and write her own novels for future generations of bookworms to read and discover the true meaning behind life and its experiences.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2014 ⏰

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