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It has been a bit over a week since I arrived to LA and I have already been invited to a party at my front neighbor. She is cool; I can't deny it. She, along with her mother, came to welcome us when we arrived. I wasn't sure if I would go to that party since I barely had arrived; however, Jaithan accepted right away so I guess I would go to. I began going through my clothes, trying to find something neat to wear tonight. I threw on some black jeans, a red floral top, and my new red vans. I put very little makeup on to not exaggerate. I sprayed a bit of guess perfume, a gift from my aunt, to add a scent on me. I didn't think it'd be a fancy party since Allison, my neighbor, said it would just be high school kids.

An hour later I was seated in the living room waiting for Jaithan to get out of his room so we could go on to the party. He wouldn't come out so I stood up and went straight to his room. "Jai! Weren't we supposed to leave already?" I said looking at him as he applied cologne all over himself.

"I'm done, I'm done! No need to yell" He honestly took this whole party and meeting new people thing serious. He spent hours in the shower and a few more getting ready. Not even me, that I'm the girl, take as long as him.

We walked to Allison's house and she opened her freshly painted door before we could even knock. She gave us a wide smile and went back inside for her phone and keys. "Why are you so smiley today?" I asked Jaithan while we waited for Allison. "No reason, just happy." He grinned confidently. There had to be a reason behind it; his smile revealed more than what he thought.

In her car, Allison drove us to the party, which was about 10 blocks away from our neighborhood. During the drive, Jai made small talk with Allison while I just looked out the window. The sun shown a bit over the horizon, almost disappearing to let the moon take over. We lived a few miles away from downtown.There was so many tall buildings. There wasn't a lot of green like in New Mexico. The temperature wasn't too hot or too cold; it was just perfect. What probably bothered me was that it was so cramped. There was no open space but the parks we passed coming from the airport. It wasn't so bad though.So far what I have seen, LA is a nice place. I actually enjoyed it.

Allison stopped in front of a large orange house that seemed like a mansion compared to the small house we had in New Mexico. There was so many cars parked outside of all kinds and there was music blasting from the back yard. We all got off the car and felt something in my stomach. I think it was because I was nervous. Parties always made me nervous, but this one was especially nerve racking because I knew no body. We started walking straight to the back yard where everything was happening. I saw many people of all races with drinks in their hands. Some were probably past drunk already; I am guessing they began drinking way before the party began. Many were dancing to the music, others inside the pool, some where just having a nice conversation, and of course, some were on top of each other, eating each others faces. "Now this is what I'm talking about!" shouts my brother. Ever since we were young, he loved to get all the attention and was always the one known and adored. I usually retracted myself from any type of situation that would make me be the spotlight. He walked up to some guys and introduced himself. I laughed at the fact that believes he is so cool and bad.

"Your brother is great at making new friends and grabbing all the attention" Allison claimed next to me and I just nod with a laugh. "C'mon, I'll introduce you to some friends. A lot of people will be here. The owner of this house always throws a party the weekend before the school years starts. He invites people who don't even go to our school too" She explained to me as we walked. School, I had forgotten that Monday I'll be starting school in a whole different place. This past week all I have done is try to adapt to LA and get everything ready for school.

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