part 16 the parents

Start from the beginning

"Dad", he run his hand on his hair. "The boy is Christine's. He's almost five years old"

Barry dropped his jaws, "You had a son with Christine?" His father shook his head in disbelief, "Damn that Thomas patriach, he's really good at hiding things for themselves"

"What's going on? Why are you yelling this early morning?", his mother appeared at his side. Lorraine Roberts, a woman where his aqua blue eyes came from

"This guy", Barry pointing Luke, "impregnate Christine five years ago without him knowing it"

"You have a child with your ex wife?", Lorraine asked him with wide eye

He scratched his head in annoyance because of that question again, "A son, mom. I just learned that last week"

"You already saw him? Your son?", asked Lorraine

He looked into other direction other than his parents, "Yes, twice, but Christine want me to stay away"

"This is not happening, he's our first grandson!", Barry yelled

"We have to get the kid." Luke froze. Not because of that statement but it's coming from his mother who actually expressed a lot of regret and displeasure towards Christine during that scandal

"No sweetheart. Christine is the mother and her father's fucking billionaire. You can't just take the boy away", Barry reminded his wife

"What are we gonna do?", his mom asked looking at Luke's way

"That's why I'm here. I don't know what to do. I can't just took a child in his environment without hurting him", he reasoned

Lorraine held the hand of Barry and slipped at the bench with him, "You need to talk to Christine. Try diplomacy for now. You have to let her know that you are not getting her son"

"But I want to get my son!"

"That kind of thinking will never get you to whatever you want boy", Barry said

Lorraine changed her facial reaction to anger, "How did you meet again by the way, I mean Christine. Did she knew all the things you've been through?"

And he doesn't have any choice but to tell them the details that happened since middle of September.

"So she's living a life while you underwent a major catastrophe because of that scandal she leaked", Lorraine said

"I don't know yet and I'm not interested whatever she wants to say", he said. The truth is, he doesn't have the opportunity to ask about it. "Mom, you know that I had something to do with it too"

"And it's a long time ago. I don't want to recollect that damn past of yours, Luke", his father said sounding annoyed

"I don't want to talk about that too", Luke replied running his hand on his hair again.

"You don't want to talk or just being soft on Christine because you still love her?"

"Mom! Could you please…. I said I don't want to talk about that", Luke instilled

"Just don't forget Luke what that episode of yours did to us, to Ingrid!", Lorraine yelled

"Lorraine, stop it. Luke remembers that. Now, what are we going to do with my grandson?", Barry asked to himself looking far away. His right index finger scrathing his chin

Luke can't think of anything. He wants to see the kid, to be with the kid and to make the kid known that he is a Roberts too

"Tell Christine that we are taking legal matters on this", Barry said after a long pause

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