Chapter 6

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Voldemort POV

I looked down at my student spy, half listening as he gave his report. I always figured it would be a different student who came to me, but I was pleasantly surprised when it was someone else who appeared a few years ago. He has been quite useful, no one even suspects the truth of his alliance. I am hoping to, maybe, get another student to spy for me at Hogwarts, which is what I have him looking for right now.

"There is this boy at school called Harry Evott. He suddenly transferred in and no one knows anything about him. The only noteworthy thing is that he has one friend, and that's Remus Lupin. Otherwise he is pretty quiet and sticks to Remus or is found by himself. However, I recently got a glimpse of a snake following him around or wrapped around his shoulders, hidden from someone not looking for anything out of place." This peaked my interest and I let a tiny smirk grace my features. He could prove to have potential.

"Enough! Find as much information as you can about Harry Evott. See if he is worthy of my attentions."

"Yes, Master. I shall take my leave now, then," I stood, dismissing everyone else; I will hear the other reports later. I need to research the name Evott, it does not sound very familiar. I know most of the pureblood names, perhaps he is only half or muggle-born?

It's four hours later that I find myself eating dinner and still no closer to the Evott family, muggle or wizard. At least, no muggle family named Evott has even a slight hint of magic thus far. I am beyond irritated, but also quite curious. It could be possible that Evott isn't his real last name, and it that's the case then why hide his real one?

~Master, what bothers you? The food is growing cold.~ I look down and see a large snake make its way towards me, confusion in her voice.

~Ah, Nagini, just who I needed to see. I wish to give you a task.~ I smiled, letting her curl up next to me on the chair.

~What kind?~

~I want you to go to Hogwarts and find this Harry Evott. I'm sure my spy will succeed in getting information, though there are things only you can find. Just see what you can learn, but don't show yourself to him yet, unless I say otherwise.~

~Of course, Master, shall I leave now?~ She loosened her coils in preparation to move.

~Yes, you may leave now. ~

I watched as she nodded, then swiftly left. I stood, flicking a wrist to banish the rest of my now cold food. All that's left is to wait for Nagini to return. Until then, it's time to make my presence known. The only question is how.

Harry POV

"Thank you," I glance up, seeing Remus sit beside me. What is he thanking me for? It couldn't be for staying with him last night could it? It's too soon for him to know.

"For what?" I tried to ignore my worry.

"The potion, Wolfsbane. It helped a lot," Quickly calming, I answered.

"You're welcome, I can make it for you each month if you want me to."

"I would appreciate that, yes," I looked over at him, watching as he slid a grape past his lips. Those lips...I paused, realizing I had been staring. Quickly looking away, I focus on my own food. The rest of the conversation passed rather awkwardly, Remus seeming guilty, likely for not telling me the truth about what happened to him the previous night with the Pacoona. I sighed, finished eating and let him know I would be in the bedchambers if he were to need me. Remus only absently nods, barely looking over at me as I leave. By the time I reach an empty hallway I am already aware of someone following behind me. Frowning, I keep walking, wondering what they could possibly want. Eventually they finally called out to me.

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