Meeting Regina Mills

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Emma's Pov

One Week Later

Today, I will meet Kat's best friend: Regina at Granny's with Kat. I'm so nervous. I wonder what Regina looks like and I bet she is a drop-dead gorgeous girl.

I arrived at Granny's with Kat by my side and in the back corner; I noticed a brunette with crimson red plump lips. I could see her scar on her upper-right lip if I squinted. Her eyes are brown and were shimmering from the lights above. Her hair is shoulder length. I brought my eyes down; I saw her cleavage. Her breasts looked huge. Damn! Did I mention I'm a lesbian? She was turning me on and I don't why. I have none experiences.

"There she is, She's the brunette in the corner." Kat said as she pushed me to the booth.

"That's her? Kat, why didn't you tell me she was gorgeous as fuck?" I whisper shouted to her. Kat shoved to the booth where the brunette sat. I made my way in and looked down since I was nervous.

"Regina, this is my twin sister: Emma Swan. She's seventeen and a shy girl." Kat introduced me. I bumped her shoulder and gave her a look that said 'really?'.

"Hey Emma, I'm Regina and I'm seventeen too. What school do you go to?" Regina asked. She stuck out her hand showing she wants to shake hands.

"Uh hi, I don't go to school, I take online school since I don't like being around people. They make me uncomfortable." I answered. I gave out my hand and shook her's. I felt sparks once our hands touched. I pulled back and stuck it into my jacket pockets. I shifted in my seat.

"Oh, that's fine and we can still be best friends even though we don't go to the same school." Regina said. I widen my eyes and 'best friends, she wants to be best friends' I thought.

Regina's Pov

I saw two blondes walked into Granny's from where I sat which was the booth in the back corner in Granny's. The first blonde walked and I recognize who it was and it was Kat. The second blonde walked in behind Kat and she resembled Kat. Her name is Emma and I know because Kat told me. For a second, I forgot Kat has a twin. I could tell her hair is long, and it stops at below her breasts. I brought my eyes up to her face and the first thing I looked at was her pink thin lips. The cold weather tinted her cheeks pink, and it caused her green eyes to pop out. Damn, she's hot!

I could see Kat and Emma whispering to each other. Emma's facial expressions looked frustrated. I'm curious what they are talking about. Kat is shoving Emma to my booth. Is Emma that nervous to meet me? Well, no need because I'm a cool person. They sat down.

"Regina, this is my twin sister: Emma Swan. She's seventeen and a shy girl." Kat introduced Emma. I noticed Emma bumped her right shoulder to Kat's left. Emma gave her a look.

"Hey Emma, I'm Regina and I'm seventeen too. What school do you go to?" I stuck out my hand wanting to shake her hand.

"Uh hi, I don't go to school, I take online school since I don't like being around people. They make me uncomfortable." Emma brought her hand out and shook my hand. I felt sparks. Did she feel that? She pulled away. Did she pull away fast because of the sparks?

"Oh, that's fine and we can still be best friends even though we don't go to the same school." I said reassuring her. I widen my eyes. Did I say that? Ugh, why do I always speak without thinking first, not that I mind being best friends with her?

Two Hours Later

"Whoa, Has it been that long already?" I asked Emma and Kat as I take a glance at my Kate Spade watch.

Emma looked at her locked screen and viewed the time, "Yeah, it's been two hours already." Emma replied.

"It's time for me to go home and Emma I will give you my phone number." I stuck my hand wanting her phone. Emma understood that gesture and handed me her phone with contacts open for me to add my phone number. "There I added my number so you can text or call me at any times. Okay?" I asked.

"Yeah sure no problem." She answered me and took her phone back. We all stood up, and I hugged Kat then Emma. Emma smelled good like vanilla.

Emma's Pov

Regina, my crush just put her freaking phone number in my phone!!! I will pass out. I wanted to continue hanging out with Regina. We all stood up, and she hugged Kat. I wasn't expecting her to hug me after all we just met but she did. Regina smelled so good like apples with cinnamon. She sauntered to the door once she opened it, the bell from above the door rang. She slightly turned around and waved flashing her sweet smile. She left.

"So... What did you think of her?" Kat asked me. I walked to the door with Kat beside me.

"She's gorgeous as fuck, sweet, kind, and I think I have a crush on her now." I fiddled with my hands. "And turns out, you were right I didn't have to be nervous or scared." I said. Kat kept staring at me saying nothing. "What? Is there something wrong?" I asked.

So what do you think will be Kat's reaction of Emma's feelings? Will she support or not?

I will try to post another chapter tomorrow

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