''No I... No I...'' Mark stutters and i frown. ''Mate, what's your secret. We've been noticing you acting weird all week. You're keeping something away from us. There are no secrets to me, so clear the fuck up.'' I say seriously but still a little hyperactive. 

''There are secrets, but... Fuck.'' Mark mumbles cursing himself again. ''I meant no secrets.'' He corrects himself. ''Hold the fuck up. You know me one week and there are already secrets from your side to mine? What's happening?'' I ask madly and I see Mark getting sweaty. 

''Dude, secrets or lies are not in this group. Speak up, man!'' Calum says and we're all looking at Mark. I was planning to leave school as soon as possible to celebrate freedom. Even though Mark isn't that bad... Oh well... Before I knew this. 

''I... Erm I have to go.'' He says and he hurries away. ''I'll hear him out Monday.'' Michael says and I sigh deep. ''I'm heading home guys...'' I mumble and I walk away to my scooter.

As I get home my parents and brother are sitting on th couch. Normally it wouldn't be weird. But the mood feels strange. ''Hey! Weekend!'' I say excitedly hoping to lighten up the mood. 

''Are you guys alright? It's weekend and you all be looking depressed as shit. Be happy and hyperactive or something.'' I say while my mood calms down being affected by the tense. ''You're always hyper.'' Tim says and I nod in agreement. That's kind of true. 

''We have to tell you something, Kaylee.'' My dad says nervously and I frown. 

''What's it? Did someone die?'' I ask while I doubtingly sit down. ''No... Kaylee it's...'' Tears are welling up in my mums eyes and I'm genuinely worried about what's this shit about. 

''We're not your real parents...'' My mum blurts out and my heart drops to my feet. 

That was a little too straight to the point.

''What? What are you trying to fucking tell me?'' I ask confused. After 18 years my parents decide to tell me they're actually not my parents. What the fuck. 

''We adopted you when you were a few months old. Your parents could only afford one kid due to complications.'' My dad says while looking me in the eyes. 

''Could afford one kid? I am one kid?'' I ask confused. 

''No, you're part of a twin. You have a twin brother.'' My mum says and I swallow. I'm a twin? What the hell. 

''You look just like him. You're the oldest of the two. He's a bit older. Exactly 7 minutes. You also have 4 younger sisters.'' My dad tells and I frown deeply. This is so much. I have 5 more siblings. I'm the oldest of all. 

''So after 23 years you decide to tell me I'm adopted? Couldn't you tell me before? I have to find them.'' I say as I get up. ''We know. That's why we found them for you. We've met them a few weeks ago.'' My mum says and I look at them. ''Really? You did that for me?'' I ask in disbelief. In a positive way though. 

''You are just like your brother! I'm jealous by the way, I would love a brother like him.'' Tim smiles with a wink and I look at him surprised. If even Tim says something like that. That really means something. 

''Did he turn you gay already?'' I grin and Tim bursts out laughing. 

''You'll find out, Wanda.'' He laughs and I frown.

''You can meet them tonight.'' My mum says and my eyes get wide while my jaw drops. ''What? This soon? What time and where?'' I ask slightly panicking. ''Tonight, you and your family. Around the corner at the cute dining restaurant. Half past six. Go get ready, love.'' My dad says and my breath gets stuck in my throat. That's really quick. 

We are twins? | L.T | English translation.Where stories live. Discover now