Klaus Hates Parties

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Living parents Alternate Universe. Violet is 18, Klaus is 16. Begin!

~Normal POV

Klaus Baudelaire hates parties.

He was sitting at a table in his family mansion's lavish ballroom as he quietly watched his parents conversing with their guests. Bertrand and Beatrice Baudelaire were hosting a huge gathering of their wealthy, high-society, friends and associates tonight. Unfortunately, whenever the Baudelaire parents would have one of these parties, their children were forced to attend. Klaus was the middle child, and only boy, of the three Baudelaire heirs. His younger sister Sunny was only 4; meaning she got out of attending because of her strict bedtime.

"Lucky," He thought grumpily, "I wish I was in bed right now. Preferably with my book; I was almost finished with it..."

He glanced briefly at his older sister Violet who was standing a little ways from him. She was talking to a boy just her age; they appeared to be flirting, but Klaus couldn't hear their conversation. He didn't want to. Listening to his sister flirt with a cute boy was something that would just make him sick to his stomach. He inwardly sighed as he noticed his mother approach him; she was accompanied by a guest. Klaus politely stood up to greet them.

"Klaus, I wanted to introduce you to my best friend from when I was your age," Beatrice said, "This is Mrs. Karen Quagmire."

Klaus politely shook Karen's hand, "It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too," Karen smiled, "Bea, you were right, you and Bertrand did raise a gentleman."

Beatrice smirked, "Speaking of a gentleman, is that your son talking to my daughter over there?"

Karen chuckled, "Yes that's Duncan; he's the oldest of my triplets."

"He's certainly a charmer."

"Just like his father."

Klaus wanted to gag. Secretly, he was a romantic, but these conversations were something he would never get used to. He didn't notice Karen had left him and his mother alone after a few moments.

"Klaus, you could at least try to have a good time. I know you don't want to be here, but your father and I appreciate it. Violet is having a good time over there."

Klaus scoffed quietly and muttered, "Yeah but that's got nothing to do with the party..."

"Don't get sassy with me, son, or I will call your father over here," Beatrice warned with a strict glare. He momentarily forgot she had amazing hearing.

"I'm sorry mother," He replied guiltily, "I was almost finished with my book earlier, and I'm just a little frustrated that's all."

Beatrice patted his back, "Honey you can get back to it after the party, ok? I promise! In the meantime, try following your sister's example and find yourself a new friend to talk to," She smirked before adding, "Or perhaps a nice young lady."

Klaus blushed and sheepishly pushed his glasses up his nose in an attempt to cover it. He agreed to his mother's wishes to appease her. She nodded in satisfaction and went to join Bertrand across the room. He sighed in defeat. This was not going to end well.

Klaus was a very well-read person. He enjoyed reading more than anything. One would even guess that he had probably read more books in his 16 years on this earth than most people have in their entire lifetime. He'd read any book, even if it ended up being one he didn't enjoy. But for all of Klaus' intelligence there was one thing he'd never figure out with his reading skills: girls. He just couldn't talk to them, and it wasn't for lack of trying. His mother knew this. Of her two oldest children, Beatrice knew that Violet was the more outgoing of them, while Klaus was shy and liked to keep to himself. Beatrice knew her son's comfort zone, but she wanted him to at least put in the effort.

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