Sadly, Ashton didn't reply like usual. Suddenly, I ran into a hard object and stumbled back, seeing some really, really tall guy and that's coming from me. He had an angered look in his eye, 4 others behind him and I gulped nervously.

I tried to rush past them, but the guy grabbed my hoody and pulled me back, sneering,"Aren't you gonna apologize, you fucking prick?"

"Not after you practically choked me, bitch!" I snapped, instantly regretting it when he threw me against a wall, about to punch me until I duck, his hand smashing right into the brick wall and he let out a cry of agony, gripping the, practically broken, hand.

His friends turned to me insync, causing me to pale in fear. I ran as fast as I could, hearing them chase after me as the guy shouted for them to get me. I felt my heart racing, turning the corner and realized I was on Ashton's street.

I turned back, seeing the guys were pretty far behind and I quickly stopped at Ashton's gate, typing in the code and hid behind the bush, seeing the guys still running past the gate and knew they didn't see me.

I turned to Ashton's house, 3 stories high with over 7 rooms and 5 bathrooms. The poor boy always complained about how lonely he felt inside it. Saying he wished he had a comfy, loving home that smelt like candles and not cleaning supplies.

I licked my dry lips, taking a risk and walked around the house, seeing a room without a light on and knew it was his parents since I've been in the house a few times. His room was

only two doors down from there's and I sighed in relief seeing a tree by his parents room.

Since his window had a lock on it, his mum knowing I use to sneak in his window, I decided to go in her room then sneak down the hall and into his. It was risky, but so is going this long without knowing if he was okay and why he was ignoring me.

I sound so possessive, but I'm just worried.

I climbed up the tree, hands hurting as I reached over for the window, letting out a relieved breath when it was unlocked and opened it, shakily reaching my leg out and had a nice grip, crawling through and almost slipped, but held tightly to the dresser next to the window.

Once I was in, I shut the window and rushed to their door, opening it and made sure no one was around when quietly making my way to Ashton's door, taking a breath and opened it slowly, seeing him sleeping in his bed, cuddling into a jacket I remember being mine.

I smiled, happy he wasn't hurt or anything as I shut the door. I frowned when not seeing a lock anymore, what the hell? They must have changed the doors. That just proves how paranoid they are.

I walked over to Ashton, wondering if I should wake him up or wait until he did it himself, I didn't mind. I sighed, crawling in next to him and slowly wrapped my arms around him, grinning at his warm body pressed against mine. I missed him.

I missed Ashton a lot. And I was hoping he missed me, but I guess we'll just talk whenever he wakes up and I probably shouldn't have fallen asleep, however I did and it wasn't my fault, he was just really cuddly and comfy.

-When I woke up, I was met with watery hazel eyes and gasped, going to wipe them but Ashton smacked my hand away and I frowned, shocked my his action. "Ashton, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"Like you don't know," He scoffed, glaring at me which was really weird and I didn't like. Ashton never glared at me before, unless it was playfully. He gets mad a lot, but not with me and it didn't feel right.

I shook my head, asking in confusion,"Why are you mad? I don't even know what's going on. Please tell me. Why have you been ignoring me?"

"Cause you cheated on me!" He exclaimed, and I frowned. He bit his lip, a hurt look crossing his face as he asked in frustration, "Why would you cheat on me? I did nothing wrong, I always was honest with you and told you everything, so why would you do that to

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