2 / another werewolf?

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I was sat on my bed looking threw the bestiary
looking threw it all to find out anything i could about barrow and why he had flies where his tuma was

looking more into it i fond out that it was a way of talking to the dead

"Find anything?" Isaac said walking into my room

I looked up at him and smile slightly.
"uh, there was a reference of the flies carrying a message to the dead"I said back as Isaac placed a few papers on my bed and then sat behind me.

"What about you?" i asked and then i started to wright more things down onto the paper in front of me.
" uh, just Beelzebub the lord of the flies " he said and then reached an arm out in front of me.

i slowly turned my head to look at him with a slight smirk on my face.
and looked at him for a while, to his lips and then to his eye's

which then he leaned in to kiss me
i moved my head and then smiled.
" are you serious? " i said
" what? " he asked " you were just trying to kiss me " i said back

" no i wasn't " he said shook his head but he had a smirk on his face
" then what were you trying to do? headbutt me? " i asked again still looking into his bright blue eyes.

" alright maybe i was trying to kiss you " he said with yet another smirk on his face

i looked at him for a second and then realised to what he was trying to do.
" are you completely totally out of you're mind? " i said standing from my bed
leaving Issac looking with shocked expression on his face.

" you actually think that i would want to kiss you? " i said
" or any other werewolf again? " with me saying that it reminded him of Scott

" cause trust me on this i would never "
" uh huh " he said back as he was listening to me

" i would never kiss you ever " i said shaking my head

" i would never "
" never, never? okay " Isaac said and the standing from my bed

" i wouldn't kiss you either " was saying as he took his shirt off and throwing it on my bed

i didn't say anything all i did was take my own shirt off, leaving me with me just in my black bra and shorts.
we stood there for a moment staring at each other
moving closer to each other but we were interrupted by my father walking into my room.

he looked at me and then to Issac looking like that he was going to kill him or something.
" Charlie, can i see you in my office? " he aid as we were both scrabbling to get our shirts back on. " where i keep my guns " and when he said that Isaac looked like he was going to pass out.

as i was getting my shirt on i walked out of my room, leaving the tall blond werewolf behind in my room.

" ohh shit " Isaac said to himself

" another werewolf!!! " he heard Charlie's father yell from his office which made him jump almost out of his skin 

isaac lahey imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora