Chapter 18 Christmas Eve: Aqua

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After a couple days, it was Christmas Eve.

All the stores were packed with people. I dunno why people bought their gifts on Christmas Eve. It's not supposed to be like this in Elumenal.

So, anyways....

Terry and Oscar went to go get gifts.

Flame and Eli went as well, but they went the opposite direction.

Once again, I was all alone.

I took a walk around California until I saw a chocolate stand. I haven't seen it around, so I thought I would tell them they should put the stand somewhere else, rather than in a dark spot.

I walked up to the stand and looked around. Nobody was there.

So I waited for a while until a young girl(5 or 6 years old) with blond hair and pigtails came out and stood in front of me.

She looked up at my face. "Hi!" she had the cutest smile. "I'm Lily. My gramma isn't here right now, so I can help you. Would you like to buy something?"

"Uh... yeah. Oh. Before I buy something, can I ask you a question?" I asked.

"Yup!" Lily smiled.

"Why is your stand over here in the dark when it could be in the hall of stands over there?" I pointed to the giant row of stands.

"Well, we were before, until a guy who was selling fish beside us saw me trying to get customers and scooped me. He made me advertise for his stand instead. Then my gramma found out I was missing and when she saw me trying to get customers for his stand, she gathered our stuff and we came here. This happened just a couple minutes ago." Lily shuffled her feet.

I looked down. "What did the guy say to you?"

"He said..." Lily looked up in thought. "If YoU dOnT cOmE aNd Do ThIs FoR mE, I'lL hUrT yOu ReAlLy BaD. AnD dOnT tRy To RuN!" she said in a gruff kinda voice.

I realized what she said and thought for a minute. "Did you try to run?"

"Nope. He said not to."

"What did he look like?"

"He had a shaved beard, brown eyes, grey hair and really ugly teeth."

"This is random, but if you could, would you like to hurt this man?"

"Very much, yes."

"Okay. Oh. And my name is Aqua. I'll be right back."

"Kay. Bye Aqua!"

"One sec." I walked towards the fish stand in the big row of stands and saw the demon.

See, that little girl didnt deserve to be harassed by such a demon. So I decided to give her a gift.

Beating the crap out of her enemy.

I pounded my hands on the stand in front of the guy. "Why did you do it?"




"Why did you make that little girl over there get more customers for yourself?"

"I don't---"

"Yeah you do."

"Heh." The man crossed his arms and smirked. "If I did, then what are you gonna do about it?"

"This!" I grabbed his ear and held it so he couldn't get away. Then I dragged him towards the little chocolate stand.

"Hey, Lily. I found the demon you described. You wanna hurt him now?" I asked sweetly.

"Yes please!" she got and evil grin on and a brought the mans face down for her to hit.

See, letting a 5 year old girl hit a, probably, 40 year man isn't right. But I knew Lily wasn't all sweet when it came to combat.

She lifted her fist and smacked it into the man's nose.

I let go of the guys ear and then said, "you try and do it again, it'll come from me." I smiled, then glared. "Now shoo!"

"That was fun!" Lily smiled and jumped.

"Hey. Can I get a box of chocolates now?" I asked at the stand.

"Certainly!" Lily smiled. "Which ones?"

I reached in my pocket, but nothing was there. "I don't... have any money...."

"Since you let me hit that guy, it'll be free."

"Oh. Thanks. Uh... can I have four little boxes of that milk chocolate?"

"Sure!" Lily got four little boxes and gave them to me.

I put them in a plastic bag and bent down so I was face to face with her. "You're an elemental, aren't you?"

Lily covered her mouth. "Huh?"

"Don't worry. I am too."

"Oh. Yeah. I'm a sky elemental. That means I can control the weather. And that's also why I'm so strong."

"Haha. I'm water and ice."


"Both. My parents...."


"Yup." I swallowed my sad feeling of my dad dying in front of me. Basically. His insides were everywhere. So yeah.

"Do you.... maybe wanna come to my apartment for Christmas?" I asked. "Your gramma can come too."

"Okay! I'll go ask." Lily ran inside of a little room whims the stand.

She sure was sweet. And cute. She deserves better than being used by old guys.

Book 2- Aqua Kombat: When it's timeWhere stories live. Discover now