that night

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Too much of a lazy bitch to proofread 😊.

Ariana wasn't trying to keep herself together around Normani because why? She was there standing against the sink wearing a white dress that would make anyone insane. There wasn't a chance of Normani going unnoticed with that dress on, not when her body out stood in it the way it did. There was a long cut in the dress that exposed her thigh, her whole leg actually. Any adjective used to compliment Normani was an understatement because she was shinning brighter than the Sun. It was difficult to tear her eyes away.

Eventually Normani spotted Ariana from the corner of her eyes, she smiled. Ariana was looking amazing out in the dark but she looked better under the light, she was breathtaking. Normani was able to notice how Ariana's make up complimented her skin so well. Her makeup artist did a pretty good job, not that she needed much anyways.

Ariana was done washing her hands, beside her stood Normani the whole time to make sure she wouldn't fall on her face. Or on the sink. But it's like, pissing sober her up a little bit, everything was much clear and easy to see. Ariana took some of the bathroom tissue to dry her wet hands, she walked around looking for a trash can to throw it in. She spotted one from across the room... it was too far away. She turned to Normani, "throw this away," she said, extending her hand with the tissue out for Normani to take.

"Please?" Normani said.

"Please what?" Ariana asked as she watched Normani take the tissue out of her hand.

"It's 'can you throw this away please?'" Normani rolled her eyes as she walked to the trash can. She tossed it and turned on her heels to Ariana.

"But I asked you to throw it away... why would I ask myself to throw away tissue if I want you to do it, Normani?" Ariana started laughing.

Normani stared in disbelief. "You're going home." Normani said, grappling Ariana's hand and pulling her out of the restroom. Ariana wasn't complaining though, who wouldn't want to go home with someone like Normani? God bless what would happen.

Normani led them to exit the building (totally forgetting about Blair) not letting go of Ariana's hand. It would be easy to lose Ariana right now if her state of mind but to find her, not so much. So, taking her home and coming back to the party later on would be the best idea, she couldn't leave Blair to party alone after all. It was going to be a quick trip. In and out. "Did you drive here?" Normani asked Ariana once they stepped outside. Ariana nodded her head. "Where is it?"

"Where's what?" Ariana giggled.

"Your car, Ariana. Where did you park?" Normani said. Dealing with drunk people isn't fun. She was second guessing this already because she didn't know if she would managed the whole way to Ariana's house without losing her temper.

Ariana scratched her scalp with her free hand, "to be honest... I don't even fucking know." She bust into laughter, so loud.

"Jesus..." Normani said. "Where are your car keys, Ariana? Do you know?"

"In my purse duh!" Ariana said, still laughing. "You're so dumb."

"Where is your purse?"

"Inside... I think..."

Normani wanted to forget about all of this and Ariana. She wanted to leave Ariana to find her way home, get lost or something. Ariana is drunk and not dumb, she had to remind herself of that. Normani bit her lip as she thought about her next move. She didn't want to go back inside because that meant going through all those people to find Ariana's purse, but she wanted to take Ariana home.

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