"I had no where else to go!" I yell in defense.

"Look, I get it Lily. I just...what's going on with you two exactly?"

"Nothing!" I exclaim.

With a raised brow, I'm sure, Caroline questions me. "Are you sure? Cause I saw you guys yesterday. With the champagne. On the bench. By the lake. There were a lot of smiles passed between the two of you."

"Caroline!" My fist slams into the bed below me. "Nothing happened. Nothing will ever happen," I seethe into the phone. "I only came here because I have no where to go and besides you, he's the only other friend," I hesitate on the word, "I have in Mystic Falls right now." I guess we could be considered friends. We've already determined that nothing more can happen, at least I did, so why couldn't we still be friends? I mean, we were friends once, long ago, why can't we be now? And although I would never admit it to anyone else, yesterday, talking with him, was nice.

"Lily, you know that's not true. You-" Care assures me, but I cut her off.

"It's okay Care, you don't have to lie. I'm not an easy person to be friends with. I'm used to being on my own." I sigh. I was on my own for so long. And now...I did it once, I survived once, so I will again. "Hey, Care, I got to go. I'll talk to you later."


I hang up.

Sure, now I have Jess and Viv and Dary and Anna and others, but my friends...they only know me as Lily. The Lily they met decades ago. The Lily that parties and drinks with them. Even Jess, who I have trusted with things I've never told anyone, still doesn't know the whole me. And I guess a part of that is my own doing.

I learned quickly that you can't trust others to stick around, so why give them all your secrets. I mean, first, when mother died, Stefan grew distant. He was always closer to her, naive like her, and he took it harder than me. Then, Damon joined the army and our father, well our father the wretched man he was, expected me to become a proper lady leaving the maids to raise me. Next, Katherine came, stealing the rest of the love Damon and Stefan still held for me, and not long after she became the daughter father always wanted. I was pushed into the shadows. I'm used to being alone, it's normal for me. Family and friends is not a luxury I've known. Only rare times I find a true friend like Jess or The Mikaelsons and Marcel in the 1900's before they abandoned me, and now Caroline.

Being alone is not a sad thing unless you make it a sad thing. You just have to look at the positive side.

With a groan, I slide out of the bed, crossing the room to the attached bathroom. Stripping, I get into the shower. After washing off all the bad memories, I step out. Wrapped in a towel, I cross the room to a chair where I threw some necessities, such as clothes, that I packed last night in a bag. After making my dramatic exit, I had snuck back into the Boarding House and into my room to grab them. Fixing my hair, swiping on some makeup, I head downstairs.

"Good morning, Love," Klaus greets me when I step into the kitchen.

"Morning," I reply, opening his fridge, grabbing a blood bag.

Klaus, seated on a bar stool, leaning over the counter between us, continues the small talk. "How did you sleep?"

I shoot him a blank look. Really? Is this what we are going do? With a shake of my head, I mutter a "Fine," returning to sip on the blood bag, avoiding his stare.

A silence, awkward and filled with tension, follows. Then, a long sigh falls from the Hybrid's lips.

"I was going to be a nice guy and not ask why you decided to spend your night at my home instead of your own, but let's be honest," he grins, "I'm not a nice guy."

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