"I thought that you would like this." Hera thanked him and took the bag. It was hot and so when they climbed in Hera just placed it on the back seat.

When they got back to the hotel Hera laughed at the slot machines.
"You know that Las Vegas isn't even the gambling city of the world right?" Spencer gave her a face that made it clear he did not.
"Macau is. I mean, who would have thought that the east coast of China had the most and worst gamblers?" Spencer opened the door as Hera ate some of his chips.

"You have your own." Hera nodded.

"But you always want what you cannot have." She winked and offered him some of hers.

"No thanks. I am fine." Hera nearly crushed him as she launched onto his body.

"You are as skinny as they get. Eat some chips." Spencer laughed.

"Fries." He corrected but she raised an eyebrow to disagree.

"I don't tell you that you are wrong so don't do that to me." He nodded and pulled her closer before kissing her lips.

"I left my phone at home." Spencer mumbled as his hand raided his pocket.

"Oh well." Hera was glad that Morgan couldn't spill if he tried.

The pair finished their food and binned the rubbish.
"I think that we should head to bed." Hera commented as she tugged on his hand to the bathroom.

"We must brush our teeth." Hera whispered as he walked slowly but he had other plans. As she passed the bedroom door he pulled her in and laid her on the bed.

"You know that I am tired, right?" Spencer looked all-controlling and he knew that she found him attractive like that.
"Reid." It was a whispered tone and he found her eyes wandering up and down his body.

Slowly he lowered himself so that their lips were lightly touching and at every point of them talking they would basically kiss.
"Hera Hosanna Griffin. Will you marry me?" His hand met her's and she felt a ring being placed into her palm. It took a second but Hera brought her lips to his just by a fraction. She was nodding as their tongues mixed and Hera felt herself melt.

Hera was finally able to push Spencer away by just enough to get a glimpse of the ring. It was a thick silver with a somewhat large Diamond on it. For her it was perfect and that was when she realised how well he knew her.
"I love you, Doctor Reid." She let out between kisses and he felt his body become looser and lighter.

"I love you too Dr Griffin."

When Hera awoke the next morning she felt a smile naturally flow onto her face and happy thoughts fill her mind. Thoughts of helping other people and making them stronger. Her body ached and the blaring alarm didn't help.
"That ruddy thing." Spencer looked at her with complete confusion.

"Ruddy?" He asked as she walked to the shower and he followed as both walked slowly.

"Euphemism for bloody. Thought I would change it up a bit." She giggled and washed the previous night's sins. Spencer joining a moment or two later.

The two were on the flight for five hours but they kept busy as they spoke of all the work that they had to do. The dress, the invites, moving in together which just so happened to be the first thing both wanted to do and they had to find a place. His mother would need to be there but it had to be close to them as well. His mother hated flying but she would suck it up. Just this once at least.


For four weeks the two had managed to keep the secret. Hera always wore her ring but the team never seemed to clock on.
"Hera. I need to have a word with you." She pushed from the desk as hard as possible and stood. Her steps were smooth and Derek made the same comment as he usually did but Reid learnt to leave it. He was only trying to get a rise out of him and Spencer was not going to let him have that.

Pains In The Past. Spencer Reid Love Story.Where stories live. Discover now