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So today has been pretty boring so I decided to go see y/n cause it's been a long time since I've seen her well according to her one day is a a long time so I'm saying it like i hear it lol. Today is very special it's are anniversary. We can't really do anything for are anniversary cause y/n works all day at_______ (whatever job you want) and she promised her sister she would babysit for her since her parents didn't have time so y/n is pretty busy today so I could only see her for 2hours but it's better then not seeing her pretty face

15 minutes later at y/n house

I walked up to her door a knocked it took her a while to open the door so I knocked again but harder

"I'm coming"I heard her yell

"Oh bigi what are you doing here " she said only cracking the door open a little

"I'm bored and i missed you" I answered quickly

"Aww I missed you too"she smiled

"Can i come in" I asked

"No you can't " she answered so quick I almost couldn't understand her

"Why" I asked almost sounding sad

"You can but not now" she said nervously

"Okay but what am I going to do"I asked disappointed

"Um can you play with My sister's son he's been really bored"she said basically pushing him outside

"Uh sure"I said confused

I played with her sisters son for a while he was pretty cool he definitely was a very active kid he was very hyper and that was tiring me out so I let him play on my phone so i could catch a brake

20 minutes later

I heard y/N door open i turned around and she had the biggest from on her face it was so beautiful but I was so confused

"Why are you smiling" I asked I couldn't help to smile back

"I have a surprise"she said smiling from ear to ear

"What is it"I asked walking closer to her

"Come see"she said opening her door to reveal the most beautiful thing I could have ever seen she had her whole living room was decorated with hearts and they all had little pictures of them of us inside the heart she had lots of food for kids and adults and lots of other things I was so amazed by what she had done I didn't notice that my whole family was standing right in front of me... why are they here?

"My whole family is here" I said shocked

"Yeah I know"she smiled

"Well what do you think" Paris asked

"I-it's amazing but isn't the guy suppose to do something like this"i asked still looking around

"It dosent always have to be the same" y/n said

"That's true"I smiled

"Well I'm hungry so Imma eat" we heard y/n sister say and after that everyone went on to do there own thing

"I thought you had work" I asked

"Uh excuse me this was a lot of work" y/N said making me chuckle


So today's me and bigi's anniversary so i decided to make evrything extra special for him cause he basically lit up my world with happiness I always thought I would be lonely but he proved me wrong and I've never been so happy in my life bigi litteraly you  rock my pun intended lol
You might be wonderin why bigi family is here they don't know why there here and neither does bigi I have a surprise for the whole family

"I have one more surprise for you well your whole family too "i told bigi

"Okay I'll tell them" he said and before I know it everyone had there eyes on me

"Ok um... everyone  I have a surprise for you and both of are family's and i hope you like it" I say pulling a big not that big but big enough box from over my kitchen counter and handed it to bigi so he could open it

Bigi POV
I was so confused as to why the box could be so light I was thinking it was a prank so I was a bit hesitant to open it when I finally got it open nothing happened so i looked in the box and...there was nothing there

"There's nothing in here" I said hearing a few gasp from my family

"Look harder" y/N said so I looked again and saw something slowly pulling it out of the box

"Wha- oh my god!" I yelled with my eyes watering

"We're having a baby"I whispered huging y/n

"What is it" Prince asked

"We're having a baby" i said louder this time but still hugging y/n

"Oh my god, congrats ,finally ,awe " my whole family cheered  giving me and y/N hugs

I looked at y/n she looked happy but so confused I walked up to her

"What's wrong" I asked

"I never got hugged so much at once I didn't know if I should hug back or go to sleep the hugs were so warm" she said while smiling

"You are weird"I said

"And you love it" she smiled. I don't know why but I started tickling her some of my family joined and some others just laughed at us




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