The two staff members shared a confused glance with each other before shrugging. They helped push the stretcher out and into the hospital. Inko followed, All Might actually stopped for a moment before reasoning out that he needed to a moment to himself for a bit.


"So, Verdict?" Naomasa spoke out while Toshinori entered the room.

"I'm not quite sure on what to make of it, All for One Clearly has his sights set on that child, first with the kidnappings. And now I can safely say he is definitely behind this, that smoke guy back there was one of his grunts. He was always his ticket out of a mess." The now deflated hero replied, now seated and resting his chin unto his palm.

Naomasa rubbed his chin in thought, that kid was in danger. More so now that he killed one of All for One's men. And not just any grunt, he took down the best tracker the villain had.

The detective let out a huff of breath while thinking, surely there had to be some way of keeping the child under watch without making him feel like a caged bird. And by the looks of his mother, Naomasa didn't want to add to the kid's problems.

"Hey Toshi..." Naomasa called out to the slim hero, "What happened to that offer U.A gave you? Y'know, the whole teaching staff job?"

Yagi rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly before replying. "Ah, that. I haven't replied yet, I'm honestly at a loss for the moment. A lot of stuff is going on and I'm not sure if I have the time to stay there."

"Hmm..." the detective nodded, reaching for the cup of coffee by the table, he grabbed Izuku's files and studied for a bit. He looked at the information, specifically, his education.

An A grade student, perfect.

"You know Toshi, you could protect the boy. I'm sure that All for One is dying to get a quirk like that in his little collection and I'm not sure when or where he might strike next to get a hold of that kid." Naomasa spoke out, pointing to the hero with a ball-pen he got from the files.

"Me? No, I couldn't. I don't nearly have the time to keep watch on him, and besides. There are pro heroes far more qualified than me for body guard duty. I'm not as young as I used to be..." All Might got a grim expression on his face while he patted down on his chest. "And you know I don't have that much time to prance around, I need to find a successor."

"Exactly, this is your chance Toshi. Look here." The detective gestured the pro hero to look unto the files of one, a young Midoriya, to show his alarmingly high grades throughout the years.

"I...I see..." Toshinori spoke out, a bead of sweat running down his sharp chin. "And this means... what, exactly?" He asked, understanding absolutely nothing.

"I means he's fit for U.A. And you can keep him in sight while you're searching for your little protege. Think about it, he's got the wits to get in, and with a quirk like that..." Naomasa explained, All Might's eyes slightly widening at the thought.

Of course.



"With a quirk that dangerous, would it be wise to keep him there? I've seen it kill a hardened criminal without the child batting an eye, heaven knows what it would do if it had more surrounding it." The Blond spoke out, the detective nodded in response.

"All the more reason for putting him in U.A, we have people there that can help him with that problem. You've seen what he can do Toshinori, why not give it a chance?"

The blonde rubbed his chin and hummed in thought. "But we know that it isn't our decision where to put him, right?"

Right, the child's consent. And possibly his mother's consent as well. Naomasa's fear right now is that, due to emotion, his mother might make an irrational decision about Izuku.

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