King dice x shy innocent reader

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(Y/N) = your name.
(H/C) = hair colour
(F/C) favourite colour.


Your POV.

You exhaled a sigh as you got ready for the day, you were heading to the casino.. of all places with baroness, you didn't really go out a lot since you didn't enjoy being in big crowd and interacting with a lot of people,
But you went with baroness because she was your friend and she had asked you to come along, you just couldn't say no to your friends.

You perked up after hearing a knock at your door, 'it's probably baroness..'you thought to yourself as you got up, you opened the door and long behold
The pink skinned lady stood there dressed and ready to head out,
She grabbed on your hand" come on (Y/N)" she said quite literally dragging you along with her across ink isle 2 and 3.
Before you guys finally got to the casino,
You wondered why baroness would want to come to a place, you were quite freaked out of it, not sure of what really happens in a casino.

You guys walked in and looked around
Lots of games.. and people..
you started to feel dizzy from the amount of colours and bright lights, lighting up the place but you took a deep breath to study yourself, you basically followed baroness like a puppy through out the night, since you didn't really know anyone else here, but you felt eyes on you, you didn't understand where they were coming from though, since so much people crowded the area.

King dices POV

I was currently walking around the casinos watching the games, to keep them in line and make sure there is no trouble making customers, though one particular person has caught my eye, thy had (h/c) hair, and dressed in a (f/c) dress/vest.
They were following the baroness around,

I sighed and glanced away to watch a game for awhile,

Soon I noticed the girl/boy alone quiet lost? I walked over to them"are you alright Mis/sir? You look troubled.."I asked them slightly in worry.

They looked at me and they froze for awhile, were they intimidated by me?...
or was something on my face?
They spoke which interrupted my thoughts

".. no everything's fine.."they replied,
I exhaled another sigh".. you look troubled and upset are you sure that everything is 'fine?"I questioned and they looked at me, quite shocked at my reply.

Your POV

I looked at the purple dice headed male that approached me, I froze looking at him quite nervous and growing shy.
"are you alright Mis/sir? You look troubled.." he said, he sounded worried
Though I couldn't reply, as I stumbled on my words, he looked upset when I didn't reply, I forced out a reply
".. no everything's fine.." he looked upset, have i upset him?.
I was shocked at what he had said next. ".. you look troubled and upset are you sure that everything is 'fine?" He sounded more harsh and annoyed, i looked away blush on my cheeks.
I sighed again".. I lost sight of my friend, I've never been at a casino... this is my first time here" I smiled A little not looking at him.

He smiled back slightly"I'll show up around, and we can get a drink together" he said with a slight smile and wink, which made my cheeks heat up, I was confused.
Why'd he wink at me??

But I agreed"sure.. I'd appreciate that.."I said again looking at him.

He nodded and started to show me around the casino.
Introduced me to people.. his.. friends?

When that finished.. we went to get a drink.. quite a lot of small.. awkward talk, though events a conversation started, growing more.. comfortable with the male.

I smiled and took a sip of my drink.. which was just water, I glance at the male"... this was nice.. thank you.."I said thanking him.

He smiled at me"it was nothing sweetheart, I enjoyed this as well "he said with a slight grin as he looked at me.
'I'm glad he didn't get bored of me..' I thought and looked at him completely oblivious with his attempt to flirt.. I stood up".. I have to go.. it's getting late"I said with a soft smile on my face"....we can write each other.. here's my address.."I said and wrote my address down on a paper and handed to him".. I hope to talk to you later.. mr dice"I smiled and started to walk away from the table. I heard him speak

"I look forward to talking to you as well.. and you can call me dice~."he purred out slightly and he stood and continued on with his night.


Hey guys! This is my first one shot and I hope you enjoyed it.
It might not be the best. Because I haven't written anything since.. my UT x readers,
So I'm alittle rusty
Anyways I hope you enjoyed this and I look forward to making more!^^

Requests are still open so if you want to suggest anything you can!^^

I'll see you guys in the next one shot!^^

I hope you enjoyed this!^^

(878 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2019 ⏰

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