1 / insecure

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I walked through the cafeteria towards my usual table where most of my friends already sat. I took a seat in between Stiles and Isaac in an attempt to stop their bickering and immediately started filling m face with food.
"lily..." Lydia sung, I instantly froze and slowly looked up. I knew that tone of voice all too well. She sat in front of me smiling brightly with her phone held against her chest.
"What?" I said with a mouthful of food. Lydia turned her phone so that screen faced me. It displayed a stunning red dress. It showed a fair amount of cleavage and had slit that exposed leg all the way up to the thigh. Prom was coming up fast and the whole school was buzzing with excitement.
"Lydia it's gorgeous."

"Then it's yours." I stabbed my food with my fork and gave a nervous laugh. I was flattered that Lydia wanted to buy me a dress, but i hadn't actually planned on going to prom.
"If you look at us and say that you aren't going, I'm going to scream." Kira said wide eyed. I chewed my lip anxiously. "Lily you have to go." Lydia whined "Even Malia is going and we all know how much she despises social gatherings." Of course I wanted to go, hell I had been dreaming of prom for years. But now I wasn't so sure it was going to happen.
"Why aren't you going?" Scott asked.
"I don't have a date."
The fact that this was my reason for not going honestly embarrassed me.

Malia frowned at me.
"Why the hell not?" my face began to heat up. I were suddenly very self-conscious.
"I guess no one wants me as their date." my words made Isaac choke on the water he was drinking. Of course people wanted Lily to be their date. Quite a lot actually. He had heard the lacrosse team talk about me on multiple occasions. However the way they spoke abut lily angered Isaac immensely. It was common for those who only spoke of her ass and legs to leave the locker room with a black eye.

Isaac's feelings towards Lily were completely obvious. Well to everyone except to Lily, she was completely oblivious to the fact that the werewolf liked her. While Isaac might have been able to put on a brave face when standing up for her, he couldn't muster up the courage to ask lily out.

"I'm sure someone is dying to ask you to prom lily," Lydia said grabbing my hand, "right Isaac?" The blond yelped in pain as Lydia's heel dug into his foot under the table.
"Of course." He said smiling at me. I shrugged, not believing my friends in the slightest. I pulled your bag over my shoulder and stood up.
"I'll be in the library if you need me."

Lydia frowned as i walked out of the cafeteria.
"Ok I'll order the dress." Kira and Malia nodded in agreement as Lydia furiously tapped away at her phone.
"But she said she didn't want to go." Stiles said. Malia rolled her eyes
"She obviously wants to go."
"What about her date?"
"That's where he comes in." Lydia stated, gesturing to Isaac. This time he didn't just choke on his water, he spat it everywhere. Numerous pairs of eyes turned in his direction as he wiped his mouth with his sleeve.

"You heard me."
"First of all, Lily probably doesn't want me as her date. Secondly... Have you met me? I can barely say a sentence to her without looking like an idiot. How the hell am I supposed to ask her to prom?"
"Stop being dramatic."
Malia spat. The three girls stood up and walked away, babbling about their plan to get you to prom. Scott, Stiles and Isaac looked at each other, sharing the same confused expression.
"Women." Stiles sighed.


Flopping onto the couch, I reached for the TV remote. In a few hours everyone would be arriving at the high school in flowing gowns and tailored suits. Everyone except myself that was.
My plan for the night consisted of Ice cream, Netflix and pajamas. After deciding on watching mean girls for the 100th time, I opened the tub of bean&jerry's in my hand. Suddenly the front door flew open
"Lily Rose Argent Put the ice cream away." Malia said as she turned off the TV. Lydia and Kira walked through the door holding numerous bags.
"What are you doing?"

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