Latise nodded, never breaking her gaze on me as she began to speak again.

“As you may already know young queen, the number of Vampires in the Colony associated with Dark Rituals and Rogue activities has increased since your father’s reign ended. This is starting to become a problem. It is unnerving to say that even the Five Counts, being the most powerful and oldest Vampire governing body in the entire World is unable to stop these growing numbers. Therefore it is clear that something needs to be done to change this. This is where you come in.” She finished, breaking her gaze on me and settling back into her seat.

I blinked stupidly, “I don’t understand.”

Bernard scoffed, “Of course you don’t, stupid girl.”

I hissed at him and he hissed back. Zarris rolled her eyes. “That is enough you two.”

Bernard glared at me, “You are to help make some of these numbers drop and rebuild the Colony in this part of the world.”

“And how am I supposed to do that?” I snarled, interrupting him.

He glared at me, “If you let me finish child I would ex-“ 

He was cut off from another glare from Zarris.

He cleared his throat, “As I was saying, you are going to do this by transforming the home you and your brother live in now to a boarding school for young Vampires. The primary goal is to educate them and help them to decide to lead better lives. The secondary goal is to teach them to recruit and then later transform humans into our kind. Even though we try to stay as unnoticeable as possible, humans have become aware of our presence in their world, but considering how we are no longer following the Old Ways, we are accepted to an extent.”

“I will repeat myself,” I growled, “How in the hell am I supposed to do that.”

Bernard nodded to Annalisa and Annamaria, they smiled at me.

“We shall explain,” they said in unison.

Annalisa spoke first, “We are to supply you with any extra money you made need for renovations. Your home is already capable of housing numerous amounts of young Vampires so that should be no problem. We can supply tables and dining equipment to transform you throne room into a dining, ball, and throne room. We can build another building if need to house more Vampire or to be used as space for classes to conduct.”

Annamaria took over the explanation, “We will donate textbooks and any other books you may need concerning human and Vampire history. More importantly, we will be hiring teachers for this whole operation.”

I nodded slowly, taking in their words and beginning to understand how important this damn task was.

“Wait, so how are we supposed to be ‘recruiting and turning humans’? Since we’ve turned away from the Old Ways and can’t use Dark Rituals. Also, how are we even gonna interest humans and joining us anyways? They may accept us but that doesn’t mean they’re eager to join the Vamp-Wagon. Also, it’s not like I can do it. I hate to shock you guys like this but I’m not a Count, I don’t possess that power.”

Zarris laughed at my last remark. “We have decided on two things to help with those two factors. The first being that we will be transferring said power to you and your brother. The second thing we are going to do is tell you this; vampires cannot go extinct or fully evil Melissa. And it is your duty as Queen to prevent this from happening.”

“There is a Prophecy about these times we are in,” spoke Latise.

All the Counts froze in their thrones as their eyes closed. They spoke in unison, the mixing of their voices loud and powerful, it made chills run down my spine.

“When the Dark creeps and the Rogues seek the Queen and the King must find the Key. She will cure the Curse and open our eyes. She will kill the Evil and we will sing as the sun rises. She will rebirth us, yet kill us again. The girl is the Key and she will set us free. Set us free we beg you! Set us free!” 

The Counts eyes all snapped back open and were all once again on me. 

“It is your mission to find this girl Melissa. You will have to give her your mother’s pendant so she can temporarily become part of our kind. This will be the appeal to the humans to want to join our ranks. We will send out a team for the renovations in a month. Until that time, rest and think my young queen.” 


Zarris clapped her hands together, “You are dismissed.”

I blinked and when I opened my eyes found myself standing back in front of the floor to ceiling windows in the throne room of my house.

It was a large room with high ceilings. The floor raised up on one end and on the raised platform sat four thrones all with purple upholstery.

I walked over and sat in the king’s throne to wait for my head to stop spinning from the forced teleportation. 

I sighed and slumped in the chair feeling tired as I noticed the first rays of dawn creeping in through the windows.

“It’s been a long day Melissa,” I said out loud quietly to myself, “But now it’s time for a nice long sleep.”

I pondered getting up out of the chair to make my way to my room but was distracted when I yawned and snuggled into the chair.

All my thoughts faded to nothing as I finally drifted off to sleep.


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