Chapter 2: Shot in the Leg

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"Krolia, how many days has it been," Ezor asked.

"Five, why do you ask," Krolia replied.

"Nothing Ma'am, it's just taking longer than expected to get to our destination," Ezor sighed.

"Are you getting tired, Honey," Zethrid asked sweetly.

"As much as I love the concern you two express for each other. We're not too far away from our destination, we're already in the forest," Axca stated.

"Is the scouting team still out," Krolia asked. A loud yelp echoed through the forest, thinking ot might be somebody from their pack they run in that direction.

Surely enough, their scouting legion was under attack. But not by a sickly, rather a single brown haired man. He was growling at Adam, who had him pinned to the ground. Krolia stopped dead in her tracks.

"Let me go," the man snarled. Her son was holding a gun that obviosuly wasn't his, aiming it at the stranger.

"Who the fuck are you and why the hell do you smell like a zombie," Keith questioned aggressively.

"I don't have to tell you anything," the man snapped in return. He kicked Adam off him resulting in Keith firing the gun and missing completely.

The stranger tackled Keith forcing him to drop the gun, it went off hitting the person in the leg. He only snarled at the feeling, throwing a punch at the darker haired man. Shiro ran to Adam's side, making sure he's okay.

Keith caught his fist and flipped them over so that he was ontop of the man. He pulled a knife from his holster and pushed it near the other's neck.

"I will ask one more time who are you and why do you smell diseased," Keith growled. The stranger snarled in return.

"Keith, that's enough," Krolia stated firmly.

"He attacked me and Adam out of nowhere! You just want me to let him go," Keith exclaimed.

"He's worth more alive than dead. He might be last survivor we find," Krolia remarked calmly.

"Tio Lance," a meek voice called.

"Nadia! Get out of here," the stranger, who seems to be named Lance, demanded. A little peeked out behind a tree, she gasped and ran towards the stranger man. Keith's grip on the stranger loosened enough for the little girl to half shove him off.

"Leave my uncle alone," Nadia yelled, she was just about to start crying. The girl hugged her uncle, Lance sat up enough to convince her he wasn't dying.

"Staying here wasn't a smart choice, sweetie," Lance sighed to her.

Ezor started approaching the two cautiously, the brown haired man took notice.

"Take a step closer and I'll kill all of you," Lance snarled. Ezor stopped, she wasn't normally this scared of a guy that was bleeding out, but something about the aura he was giving off.

"... Lance, as in Lance McClain," Matt asked.

"How do you know who I am," Lance replied aggressively.

"You probably don't reconize my smell, but it's me. Matt, Katie's brother," Matt responded. Lance's face softened at the sound of the name Katie.

"Keith, could you get off Lance," Shiro asked. Keith nodded his head and got up.

"Nadia, can you go find Pidge and bring her here," Lance asked his niece softly. She quickly rubbed away her tears.

"Are they going to hurt you while I'm gone," Nadia asked. Lance shook his head calmly.

No, You Got it All Wrong (Klance Omegaverse)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें