As of right now, I was happily walking around a town. It wasn’t the first one I came to but I was bored of the endless scenery of trees and decided to stop. I had no idea what the place was called, nor did I care. It was around midday and my stomach grumbled. I was in a great mood so I decided to treat myself with an actual lunch. All the other human food I ate was more just a bag of chips or something. Seeing a small inviting looking diner I walked towards it.

The place had an old fashioned theme. With a stainless steel counter and stools, and red booths to sit at, the floors were a checkered tiling of black and white, overall it was a pretty cool place, but the best part was it was filled with great smells. It was slightly busy but still had a lot of places to sit at, so I chose a window booth in a corner that faced the entrance. It was always a habit of mine, to see the point of entrance where I could scan the crowd for suspicious things, and could plan an easy getaway if needed to be.

A waitress came by soon after I sat down, she was pretty. She had long wavy brown hair, and big green eyes. She looked around eighteen and smiled politely at me. “Hello my name is Tina and I will be your server today.” She handed over a single menu to me then asked if I would like a drink to start. I replied with a Dr. Pepper, then she left as soon as she came. The waitress had me distracted from doing my normal scans of the crowd and I hadn’t realized someone had entered until the smell of a wolf hit me. Upon till this moment it was all humans.

I looked up to see a boy around my age, he had dark brown hair that was slightly messy but it looked good. With my eyes sight I could see his eyes were brown, thankfully not blue, I almost chuckled to myself. I saw him discreetly take a whiff of the air, and almost instantly his head whipped in my direction. I saw him smirk slightly as he made his way over. “Well, hello.” He smiled as he slipped into the seat in front of me. Now that his scent was right up front and personal I could tell he was a rogue, which made me a little more at ease, although I don’t know if I should have been. He had a rough dangerous look to his features, but yet it was alluring. He was wearing dark jeans and a black sweatshirt that wasn’t to snug but still showed you he was well built.

“Sup.” I simply answered, not wanting to say too much incase that gave him the impression I wanted to make conversation. My good mood started to damper as I noticed he wasn’t going to be leaving. “Do you need something?” I asked after several minutes of hoping he would leave.

He raised an eyebrow at me and smiled slightly, “No,” the small grin on his lips was now more prominent, “it’s just not every day you see a lone she-wolf.”

I shrugged, “Yea well I’m not much of a people person.”

“I gathered that.” He said now full out smiling at me, while I narrowed my eyes and scowled at him, but said nothing. To my dismay he continued, “So do you have a mate?” he asked casually no longer smiling but looking around the diner as if someone would pop out at him. I gulped at the question, not wanting to show any type of weakness or lie, I wasn’t fond of lying but I did it occasionally.

Thankfully the waitress returned saving me from answering. She placed my Dr. Pepper in front of me, “Are you ready to order?” She asked me while eyeing the boy distrustfully, which I smirked at. He didn’t really have the air of trust around him. He caught my slight smile though and narrowed his eyes at me.

The waitress turned her gaze back to me, looking expectant, right. “I would like just a cheese burger, plain, and fries.” After a thought I added, “A lot, of fries.” She scribbled my order down then turned to look at the boy I still didn’t know the name of.

“And you?”

He glanced at me before answering, “Same thing, oh and a coke.” She wrote that down too and left.

Living with a Dead MateWhere stories live. Discover now