Chapter 7

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hi. ok so i know i asked those questions at the end but after awhile i didnt get an answer so i just started writing and it basically wrote itself. but i feel really bad and wanted to say a special thanks to Alexxarawrr because she answered the questions and was the first one to comment on my story thanks a lot! Even though i didnt take in your answers for the story im still gunna dedicate this chapter to you! Thanks and enjoy.


I woke up feeling groggily. Yawning I looked over at the TVs clock that said it was ten thirty, I slept later than I planned. I settled back into the couch not wanting to get up and face my last day here. A small part of me didn’t want to go, even though I didn’t have many friends my life was hear. A couple months ago I was so sure my future would be taking the position of my instructor of teaching the future pack fighters. I always admired the job, thinking it was more important than the Beta’s. Now I was running from that future, from this life. All because I didn’t want to be mated to some psycho, I hated Kyle for it, why couldn’t he just accept he, I didn’t want to be his mate, I never told him it but I’m pretty sure attacking him was a big sign of rejection.

            I was lying there till I realized a beautiful scent was hitting my nose, breakfast. Getting up quickly I half ran to the kitchen, what can I say I loved food. Lisa had her back turned to me and she was scrambling eggs and making sausage, while Danny was reading the newspaper and already eating a plate. I grinned and sat in front of him, “I always knew you were boring but the newspaper? Really Danny?” He rolled his eyes but kept reading while Lisa turned around at the sound of my voice and beamed at me, her dark hazel eyes gleaming.

            “Oh Fiona,” She gushed and came over to pull me into a hug. “Danny told me what happened. I am so sorry, are you sure you have to leave?” She pulled me out to arms length but still had a grip on my forearms as she searched my face.

            “I don’t have many options, but don’t worry, I think I was born to go rogue.” I grinned at her, the thought of being on my own, doing my own thing excited me. It had its own appeal, not knowing what would happen every day, not having any plans. I truly was excited for it.

            Lisa let out a breath and pulled me into another hug, which I awkwardly return, I wasn’t big on hugging. “You sure you’ll be alright?” She asked again, and I nodded. “Well I’m making you a big breakfast, sit.” She commanded which I happily did; glad to be out of the hug. While I was waiting for my eggs to be done I tried James once more. ‘James?’ Nothing, he still had the block up, or he had left the pack. Although I was starting to think that that wasn’t the chase. When I was at his house the other day nothing was missing from his closet and the fact that his mom wasn’t worried or crying about him.

            “Dad called.” My head snapped up, as I looked at Danny shocked. “He asked me if I knew where you where. Said if I had seen you I had to tell him, that important people were searching for you. Don’t worry, I told him I hadn’t seen or talked to you which he grudgingly accepted, then he hung up on me.” I gaped at him, the betrayal I felt yesterday now ten times worse, he still had the nerve to turn against me even after he is driving me from home. Lisa came over then and set a heaping pile of eggs in front of me. I smiled my thanks and sprinkled cheese on top of it. In a way the while call didn’t surprise me, why stop with knocking me out? I eat the rest of my breakfast in silence, it was delicious Lisa was always a good cook. I planned out my last day. I decided I would write my letters first than see Isaac and leave right after that. No point in staying around any longer. I told Danny my plans and asked if he would give the letters, which he agreed to. He and Lisa had both delayed going to work until I would leave so they could say goodbye, but I asked to be in private for writing the letters.

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