little mix quotes

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Perrie:"how do you sleep at night."

Kia:"on silk sheets rolling naked in money.

Jade:"we need to know who did this"

Kia:"I taught my children of them will come forward,or the other wil rat them out.

Cherry:"what time is it?

Jade:"I don't know pass me the Speaker.

Jade:(loudly plays music on speaker)

Perrie:who the fuck is playing music a 3am!!"

Jade:"It's 3am"

Kia:Almost gets eating by a alligator.

Kia:"I was so close to being a alligator snack".

Perrie:as thick as you are you would be a whole damn meal".

Cherry:walking around still disappointed after 4 hours after leaving the aquarium.

Jade:"what did you think a Tiger shark was?"

Perrie:"I swear sometimes I fell like the smartest member".

Cherry:"you're hand is stuck in a vending machine".

Perrie:"I brought my Skittles i'm getting my Skittles".

Manager scolding little mix:"you girls need to be more careful we wouldn't want you four getting hurt".

Little mix:"yes manager oppa".

Literally two hours later trying to jump off their house to see which one could land in the pool.
Perrie:"okay time for plan E"

Manager:"wait Plan E  isn't there a plan d".

Perrie:"yeah but plan D kia goes to jail again.

Manger:"I like plan D.

Perrie:I didn't come all the way from china to be treated like this!!.

Cherry:"It's weird for use to not be weird".

Jade: "once I  treated my members out to eat but then I just made them pay".

Kia:"I swear I'm not crazy".

Perrie:(here's a loud bang)

Perrie:(Grabs kia and jade)

Perrie:"Get the small ones their small legs are no use!".

Cherry:"pass the salt".

Perrie:"throws jade across the table"


Jade:"Did you hear that it sounded like...despair".

Cherry:"It's probably me".

Jade:" I said despair not sadness and bitterness".

Perrie:unnie on your gave insted of R.I.P it should be D.S.A.

Jade:What that means?

Perrie: died.single and alone

Cherry: I have no fear

Jade: what if you wake up in Kia is taller than you?

Cherry:..... Okay I have one fear
Cherry:would you like some coffee unnie.

Kia: that would be nice-

Cherry: good get me one too.



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