Chapter 39: Take From Me

Start from the beginning

Marshall grabbed his water bottle and downed half of it before spotting her and approaching. She felt her breath shallow as flashes of him kissing that woman- that stranger- protruded in her mind.

As he came within range, he pulled her into a hug but she stiffened and didn’t return it, hands hanging by her side as he pressed her awkwardly against his chest. He looked confused as he pulled away and motioned further backstage, where they wouldn’t have to compete with the noise from stage.

Riley blindly followed him into his dressing room, where the noise faded into a background thump, rather than blaring music and rap. He sat down, casually, wiping his forehead with a towel.

“What’s up with you?” He asked, innocently.

Was he really going to act like nothing had happened? Like she didn’t see? He must’ve known she was watching. Anger welled inside of her. Had he done this before and gotten away with it? Maybe at other shows, when she wasn’t looking. She felt so stupid. That whole bullshit fight with Mark and actually made her think that he cared about her and he’d turned around and done this?

“Are you kidding me?”

He turned to face her and noted her furious and hurt expression. She could hardly think straight she was so mad. She even had tears of frustration in your eyes. “What?”

She couldn’t believe she had to point out what was wrong. She motioned to the stage with a firm hand, “You kissed a fucking girl out there, that’s what.

The color from his face drained, as if he realized his mistake. “Shit.” He looked down at the ground, as if to be scrambling for an excuse.

"I don't know how you and Kim ran your relationship but I'm not okay with it. You went berserk when you thought Mark and I were sleeping together and we weren’t. But you go off and kiss some other girl, you don’t even know, and expect me not to care?!” She stepped forwards, hurt spilling off of her.

“It wasn’t me,” He said. Riley couldn’t believe her ears. “When I get on stage, Slim just takes over me.”

"You can't just hide behind your fake personas. They're not the real you.” She was in shock that he would even use that as an excuse. It was like saying that the ‘model’ Riley is different from the ‘surfer’ Riley. She could hardly take his excuses anymore and headed for the door.

Slim called out for her, "Riley-"

Turning, as he hand gripped the door handle, she was almost sad as she delivered her final punchline, "You know what, Slim Shady? Tell Marshall if he doesn't get his shit together whatever we have will be over faster than he can rap."

She slammed the door shut on the way out.


Marshall’s knuckles were still stinging from where his fist had gone straight through the wall in his dressing room. He had to get his swinging ability under control before he did some real damage. But it was hardly his focus right now. He’d never seen Riley so mad. Even when she remembered that he’d been using her to make Kim jealous as a kid. This was a different kind of angry… it was more definite and shocking. She’d never spoken to him with such a tone. It was so back strong and independent… it turned him on a little bit.

Shaking his head clear, he knew all too well that the fire Riley had in her eyes only reminded him of Kim and that’s why he was feeling so much more drawn to her. He knew he shouldn’t be, but he could have sworn it was Kim yelling at him back in the dressing room, instead of Riley.

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