Less Friendly - Part 2

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The school bells rings and it's now a free period. I wait outside of the class for Jeremy and Michael since us three are in the same class. They walk out and continue to walk towards what I assume is the cafeteria.

We enter the cafeteria and I begin to look around, it's so much better than my old school. My legs paused for a moment and Jermemy and Michael were already a good few feet ahead so I lightly jogged to catch up. They sat down in a corner away from all the other tables and I sat down opposite them. Michael gave me a warming smile whilst Jeremy reaches his hand into his bag to pull out what I presume his lunch.

"So that group of girls and guys at the back of first period? I'm gonna guess they're not the kindest of people, right?" I curiously wonder and i lean my head against my hand as it's propped up on the table. Michael grunted at me speaking of them and Jeremy let out a loving sigh. "Jeremy?"

"Ignore him, he's basically IN LOVE with one of them. She's called Christine, you saw her, right?" Michael told me as he rolled his eyes at Jeremy. I nodded my head whilst giggling at his eye rolling.

"Oh shut up, Michael, just because you don't have eyes on someone!" Jeremy shoved Michael with force but he didn't nudge because he was quite weak.

"ActuallyIdobutwhatever" I didn't understand what Michael said because it was all mumbling and fast pacing but apparently Jeremy did.

"Hmph yeah bet you do, either way I have a better chance with Christine than you do with your mystery girl.. or boy! I've always had suspicions about your sexuality!" Jeremy stood up and pushed his chair away. Michael stood up after Jeremy and shoved him.

"What the fuck, Jeremy?! I was joking around with you, I can't believe you took it that far.." Michael sat back down and I saw a glimpse of sadness in his eyes. He put his hands on the table and I put my hand over his to reassure him that he would be okay. He looked up with a shine in his eyes and gave a slight smile.

Jeremy put his hands on his hips and took a deep breath before he sat back down.

"I'm sorry, Michael, seriously. I dunno what got into me, maybe the fact that-"

"Save it, I'm not in the mood" Michael moved his hands off the table and so did I. The table went silent until the bell for the next period went off, we all stood up in sync and I attempted to make conversation after all I may have witnessed a friendship crumble a little.

*Time skip cause I have nothing left to write*

The afternoon was a long, stretched wait until school was over. I can't say school was a failure or a success but I mean I made two new friends so I guess it was successful? I begin to walk out of the school gates until i faintly hear my name and fast, pacing footsteps.

"Y/N!" I hear it again and I spin around on my heels to see Michael running as fast as he could towards me. I start to giggle at his run and I wave to him, I prop myself up against a wall waiting for Michael. He finally caught up to me after 23 seconds (approximately). "Hey you wanna ride?" He said out of breath.

"I would love a ride, Michael!" I said with delight. We walk along side each other until we reach a pt cruiser and I take a bold guess and believe it is Michael's.

"Yes this is my shitty car, I'm sorry it's not a badass range rover or some other cool ass car but what do you know, it's a working car". He said boldly which I found cute. God what am I thinking? He's my friend, I shouldn't think of him like that.

"No, no it's fine. It's a better car than mine, which is no car by the way heh". I nervously laugh as I open the car door. The smell of weed and fresh pizza basically slapped me in the face, the smel was honestly so strong.

"Yeah I'm uhh sorry about that, I'll get some air freshener next time you're in my car". Next time? He wants me in his car again?

"Micha, don't be sorry!"

"M-Micha?!" He was stunned at the nickname, why the fuck did I just call him that?!

"Oh god why did I call you that?" He laughed as my face turned bright red. I placed my hands over my face and sunk far down into the chair. He turned his head towards me and stopped laughing.

"Y/N, don't be embarrassed, it wasn't a big deal. Y/N?" He attempted to move my hands but I forced them to stay.

*Michael's POV*
She called me 'Micha'? Which is the cutest nickname ever? I'm not going to tell her that though. I turn my head towards her and I stop laughing, she's embarrassed? I grab her wrists gently but used slight force to remove them but everytime I managed to move them she put them back.

"Y/N, don't be embarrassed, it wasn't a big deal. Y/N?". I again tried to move her hands but gave up. I took my hand and placed it on her head to comfort her, she loosened her hands away from her face. "So do you wanna give me your address so we can drive there?"

She told me her address and faced out of the window. I let out a sigh and began the car, I didn't mean to make her so uncomfortable.

"You want some cold pizza from last night?" I akwardly ask her. She let out a small laugh and it sounded as if she was laughing through tears? "Y/N, were you crying?"

"Of embarrassment, yes!" She laughs through more tears. We stop at a red light and I lightly hug her for a second, just to make sure she's okay.

Word count: 1034 words

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