To Grandmother's House We Go

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The door slammed and Lily groaned.

"...Right. A week in Santa Carla... I forgot."

Her dad was in the real estate business so, of course, given that he inherited the land and what was left of the house grandma lived in, he'd obviously, once things 'blew' over, wanted to sell it.

A couple of weeks ago he was contacted by someone interested in looking at the property so, lucky her, she was going back to grandmother's house, or whatever had become of it.

It took way more energy to push herself up in bed than it should have but she did it while squinting as her newly opened eyes teared up. "Too bright..."

Reaching for her sunglasses on her dresser, the teenager quickly snatched them up and shoved them onto her face.

"Much better..."

Yawning, Lily threw her legs over the side of her bed and felt something soft that was not her hardwood floor.

"There's were she put you..." Lily mumbled to her blanket before reaching down to the floor to grab it. "You don't belong there."

Dropping it back on her bed she stood up unsteadily. "Wish I could join you," she told the sheet, "but I got a date with a nightmarish demon and I don't mean Donna the step-harpy, but the past."

Yeah, her past was even worse than the she-demon that married her dad and she really hated that woman.

Stretching, she clumsily walked over to the curtains and pulled them shut.

It was going to be awful being cooped up in a car with windows letting in those rays, she thought while glancing around her room for her water bottle. Finding it on the floor, she grabbed it only to find that it was empty.

"Oh well, probably wouldn't help anyway."

Tossing it back onto the floor she went to the door opposite of her closet that lead to her bathroom. Almost on autopilot she brushed her teeth and then her hair, the latter of which taking longer due to all the tangles it had acquired from laying around for a couple of days without brushing it. Lily was surprised that her hair didn't kill her brush to be perfectly honest. Must be sturdier than she thought.

That done, she filled up the glass beside the sink and chugged down the water quickly to try and ease her throat. Slamming down the glass with just enough force to keep from breaking it but clearly showing her frustration, Lily looked up into her reflection in the mirror or what she could see of it in the darkened room.

"Didn't help... just like I thought."

Touching the mirror, she sighed sadly. There was a reason Lily didn't turn on the light anymore and it wasn't due to her depressing state. Well okay, it kind of was.

Two weeks ago, her life had changed forever and now she was dealing with the consequences...

The thirst which aggravated her throat.

The hunger which caused her some of the worst stomach cramps she'd ever had the displeasure of feeling.

The aversion to sunlight because it fucking stung her eyes like she'd spent hours cutting the worst kind of onion.

Her constant tiredness during the day and burst of energy at night.

And lastly, the see-through reflection in mirrors which would've been a problem if she hadn't all but isolated herself in her own room since that day.

Lily wasn't an idiot. She knew what was happening.

Her birthday was two weeks ago, and her mother insisted on a mother/daughter bonding day. Lily hadn't wanted anything to do with it... with her mother, and made that no secret.

Haunted by Blood (The Lost Boys)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora