Chapter 3- She'll be back

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Vanessa's PoV
I woke up to madelaine sound asleep under me and i smiled to myself looking at the position we were in. I reluctantly rolled off of her and got up to go to the toilet. i caught myself looking at mads for a little longer than i should've and she caught me..
'staring problem nessa?' she asked sarcastically.
i laughed and felt my cheeks going as red as her hair.
'i was just admiring the masterpiece' i said nonchalantly while smirking and walking out the bedroom.
i smiled to myself and walked out the room to be greeted by travis.
'hey trav' i said
'hi v how're you? where's mads?' he said with some sort of urgency.
'oh i'm good thanks and she's just in the guest room.' i said kind of bluntly.
'thanks' he said before rushing off in there.
i didn't know what it was about him but he made me uneasy and i wasn't very keen on him. oh well he makes mads happy that's the main thing.

Madelaine's PoV
Travis came bounding into the room and jumped on the bed where vanessa was literally 5 minutes ago. i missed her presence already.
'hi baby' he said in between the kisses he was placing all over my face. i wouldn't admit it but i just wasn't in the mood for all of this right now, he's very full on and clingy sometimes and it just annoys me.
'hey' i said awkwardly but he would never notice.
he started to kiss my neck and i really wasn't in the mood but nor did i care enough to stop him so i just reluctantly placed my hands on his back and let him have a field day.
i heard a little cough and looked up to see vanessa awkwardly stood with her hands in her pockets and earphones in.
'hey sorry if i'm interrupting anything but i'm just gonna head out for a bit' she said and she sounded pretty deflated
'where are you going? can i come?' i said hoping for an excuse to get away from travis.
'oh um i'm just gonna go take some pictures alone i won't be long and we can have food later yeah?' she said as though she was hiding something but i just played it off.
'yeah sure, bye nessa' i said and so did travis.

Vanessa's PoV
i left the apartment and instantly felt very emotional for what i assumed was no particular reason, so i jumped in the car and just drove with no destination(a bit like how i felt my life was going.)
by now tears were streaming down my face and i had been driving for 20 minutes already. The song 'world gone mad' by bastille started playing and it just hit me in a place i didn't know was possible. i pulled over for my own safety i was such a mess and needed a breather. i wanted madelaine but she was busy with travis, so i done the worst thing i could've possibly done. i texted my ex, michael.

Vanessa: hi michael wanna hang out?

Michael: didn't think i'd hear from you again😉sure, my place?

Vanessa: okay see you soon.

And with that i wiped my tears and made my way over to michael's house for the first time since we broke up 3 months ago.

Madelaine's PoV
V had been gone for around 2 hours now and i was starting to worry, once again travis sorta 'fucked n ducked' to go out with his pals but it's whatever, i was used to it. i decided to text her see if she was okay.

Mads💗💗: hey girl is everything okay? trav is gone and imy x come homeee let's eat

No reply.

Mads💗💗: nessaaa

Mads💗💗: at least tell me you're okay?

Mads💗💗: well imma order us veggie grill i hope you come back soon🥺💕

I can't lie i was starting to worry a lot. she'd been acting strange, she seemed sad and spaced out and like she couldn't bare to talk to me about it. i decided she was an adult and could look after herself so there was no need to worry, but my instinct was telling me different. i pushed down my instinct, ate my food, took a sleeping tablet and got in bed. i'm sure she'd be back by morning.


A/N: no shade no tea but i've kind of painted travis and michael in a bad light for this story, i just don't personally like them much.
anyway nope you enjoyed


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