ice cream

401 19 37

chapter 2
    i did a bit of research about ice cream flavors & personality traits, kinda fun
    do some yourself to find out what i mean by this shit (i personal favor mint chocolate chip)
hope y'all don't mind my oc

This was crazy, this was absolutely mental, what the fuck was happening? Why could Colin possibly be here? Was he in trouble? More importantly, was Stefan? Is Pearl okay? God, what the fuck happened to Pearl? A million different questions buzzed around in Stefan's head, he wanted to speak but couldn't find the words to.

Sitting at his kitchen table Stefan anxiously drummed his fingers against the wooden surface as Colin lit a cigarette, a small smirk in place of the wild grin he wore before. He was still the Colin Stefan knew, weird, sort of dismissive and aloof as ever. Stefan gave him some of his clothes to borrow before his shower. Since Stefan wore his clothes a size too big, the royal blue sweater was a bit baggy on Colin.

The cats ran about the house, more so Cream, the black cat took its time poking around the kitchen as Cream scurried around excitedly. Colin took notice of the bombay, "Didn't know you had a pet?" it came out more question like then he intended. Stefan furrowed his brows in confusion, was that really on Colin's mind right now?

"Two. I adopted them today—I'm sorry but; what is this?" Colin raised an eyebrow at Stefan, sighing through his nose Colin held his pre-rolled cigarette between his lips, making weird noises towards the cat trying to grab his attention. "Where were you? Everyone's been worried and—and Kitty? S'been misera—"

"Listen Stefan, I know you've got questions, probably billions of 'em, but we can't talk about anything I went through right now." the blonde had successfully gotten the black cat to come to him, picking him up Colin inspected the cat. "Got an eye missin'." Shifting the cat into one hand Colin took the cigarette from his lips, offering it to Stefan who shook his head 'no.'

It wasn't as though Colin was smoking it anyway, he was much too busy with Stefan's cat, Stefan was a little jealous with how easily the blonde was able to earn the bombay's trust so quickly; true he hadn't given the cat enough time to get use to him but he was still his owner. "What's its name?" Stefan shrugged.

"He hasn't got one yet." Colin nods and stands, he puts out the barely touched cigarette, he holds the cat up to his face staring intently at its face, he mews at Colin pawing at his nose, "Call him Stinky." Stefan frowns, "I'm not calling him Stinky." Colin moves into the living room still holding the unnamed cat.

Stefan closely follows the blonde, Colin grabs a harness for the cat as he sits on the floor, struggling with the cat he gets the harness on it. "What are you doing?" Colin looks up, scowling slightly, "We're going out, meeting a friend you could say."

Stefan couldn't say no to getting out of the house, moreover, he couldn't say no to Colin. Even if he was upset with him, confused and at a loss for words whenever he spoke, he couldn't deny that something about the blonde intrigued him so. Colin's eccentric way of forcing himself into someone else's life would take getting use to.

Stefan hadn't forgotten about Colin's disappearance, he hadn't forgotten about everything he wanted to ask him, how he wanted to shout at Colin for being a shity dad. But he did play along, obviously there's something Colin wants to forget, maybe Stefan could figure it out, maybe not but for now the plan was play along.

"Name him Tony." Colin spoke as he walked, he and Stefan were going over names for his cat, the ravenette didn't feel like strapping a leash on Cream so he left her at home, almost certain she'd remain on her best behavior. Colin on the other hand had a leash wrapped around his wrist, his hands tucked into his pockets not even bothering with holding the leash since it was secure enough.

"As in Tony Montana? Maybe." Colin nodded, it would be a pretty cool name, "Al Pacino is fucking masterful really." It's silent as the two walk. Colin seems fine with the silence, Stefan is freaking out inwardly, he keeps thinking maybe Colin'll trick him into doing something he'll regret or that he's in trouble.

"What's your favorite ice cream flavor?"

What? What did ice cream have to do with anything? Deciding he needed to play along and quickly; Stefan answers. "Pistachio, I-I guess..." Colin hums as he stops walking, the two stood in front of a Baskin Robbins, "Figures... " he turns, giving Stefan a lopsided grin. "Always preferred rocky road myself."

"Fuck man! You're gonna get me fired and I just got the fuckin' job, Colin!" said man smiles, his feet kicked up on the booths table the cat sitting in his lap, "Stefan; Vincent." the ravenette looks between the two men, a little confused, very intimidated. "H-Hello." Stefan halfheartedly waves to which Vincent smiles, he places his hands on his hips and gives the both of them a big grin.

"Stefan. Watch this. Vincent, what's your favorite ice cream flavor?" the tall Italian's grin never fades as he answers confidently. Stefan notices his crooked, uneven teeth, a few of his teeth had grown through the top of his gums. The grown man has braces, fucking neon colored braces.

"Uh, chocolate! No, no! Coffee!"

"See what I mean Stefan, indecisive. Strawberry ice cream."

hey this will probably be one of the only times i'll ever do an "AutHoRs N OtE" but i would just like to apologize for not getting this out sooner, not that many of you would care, y'all are just here to read stefan get some dick from his top don't even lie about it but; i was busy applying to colleges and uhhh i'm going to be applying to a college near my boyfriends city so that's exciting!! still doubt y'all care tho lmao
see ya next chapter

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