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Numerous steps echoed loudly inside the airport as people make way to there destination in the lineup; to transport their suitcases to the plane or making their way outside the airport.

A figure makes his way near the exit as he searched around finding a particular person, they both were to meet here as planned.

"He's late," he mumbled, putting on his earphone, he stayed there waiting for his arrival.

After a few minutes or so someone taps his shoulder, making him crane his neck to side seeing his friend.

Pulling out his earphone, he smiled slightly.

"It's been a while Sosuke."

"Same for you too Mitsutada."

The two did there little familiar fist pump, before walking outside as they call out the taxi that arrived now, before going inside the vehicle.

"So You're staying a Samezuka for your graduation?" Mitsutada asks, looking out the window watching clouds pass by freely.

"Yeah remember I told you I have a childhood friend that goes there?" Sosuke said leaning back with his arms behind his head, looking at him, in the corner of his eyes.

He frowned "Are you swimming?" he clenched his fist slightly, at the worry of his friend arm.

Sosuke sighed as he nodded which mitsutada can see in the reflection of the window "Why?" He quietly said turning his head to him with a calm but worried matter.

"This is my last time I get to swim with him; before I do my operation and I have no regrets, " he closed his eyes smiling sadly.

"This is my last time I get to swim with him; before I do my operation and I have no regrets, " he closed his eyes smiling sadly

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Mitsutada heart clenched like someone just struck him, he knew he wouldn't listen to him even if he tried to convince not to.

He sighed leaning over the door "Don't strain it too much or I'll give you beating."

Yamazaki lightly chuckled at his little threat "You're the same as always, " which Mitsuada pouted cutely in Sosuke point of view, looking out the window again.

After a few minutes of quietness, they finally made it to there destination; Iwatobi swim club building. Mitsutada paid the taxi 400 yen before the vehicle went off, looking at the swim club building in front of them Mitsutada raised an eyebrow "I thought were suppose to go to Samezuka?"

Sosuke looked at him before motioning him to follow. He frowned as his friend avoid the question, Making there way to the building they then saw an older man with blonde hair grasping a photo frame by the looks of it he was struggling where to place it on the wall.

Sosuke pulled his cap covering his eyes before waiting for the man to see his presence and Mitsutada.

For a few minutes, the man notice us before giving us a masculine smile "Ah! here to join the swim club?" Mitsutada and Sosuke stayed at the door. "No thanks," Sosuke answered keeping his face down, which made his face shallowed from the cap.

After a few minutes of silence, Mitsutada sweatdropped at the intense aura around his friend

'He's still same as always.'

"I heard this is where the Iwatobi guy meets here," Sosuke Nonchalantly looking up slightly at him, the man started going way off topic as he blabbers about this building was meant to be a spa but it went bankrupt.

Sosuke sighed as he mumbled to Mitsutada ' Let's go.'

Quietly walking away they then started walking to the direction to Samezuka, but then Mitsutada realises he wasn't going to attend that school, stopping from his tracks. He Then called out to him "Eto...Sosuke I realise I'm not attending, Samezuka I go to another private school," He halted to a stop looking at Mitsutada "What do you mean I thought you were going there?"

"Mistuada looked at the ground not meeting his friend eye "It's my father..he wanted me to attend Knights Academy." ( A/n Made up ) 


Hello! reader I'm active so I'll start updating some stories for the meantime and ill be updating K project slowly  since there a whole bunch of plot holes which takes hours to fix. So ill try and focus on Yuri on ice, Shokugeki no soma, an

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