Panic mode!

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It felt as if time stood still for a couple of minutes but no it was just me in fear and not sure of what to do. This had never happened to me before so I had no experience. My mum never let me watch the news or any crime shows so I had no idea of how to act oh how I wish I did. The first thing which came to my mind which was also quite a smart idea considering I was sweating and panicking like crazy was make sure all of the doors and windows were locked so that no one could get in with their bare hands. I then looked out the window one more time to see if he was still there and also to see if he had any weapons on him which will help him to get inside. I don't think he did but I was not certain :( I then grabbed my mobile phone and ran to my parents bedroom to hide under he bed and call my mum hoping she would answer.

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