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[ Mark | Lucas | Donghyuck | Jeno | Jaemin | Renjun ]

"Bro, cover me." Mark hisses, running into the janitors closet as he can hear Donghyuck cursing underneath his breath. What he needs now are just three seconds.

Donghyuck swears he can't catch a break. Not that he has the world's horniest virgin as his best friend, but the fact was, he was behind the door hearing him jack off. "Hey, Lucas is coming this way."


Why would his brother be...


Mark launches out of the door with a creamy white load on his pants. He swears to everyone and their cousins that Donghyuck is the worst best friend ever. "You said he was coming!"

Oops, he might have told a little lie only to speed things up a bit. "Listen, I didn't sign up to play bodyguard and if I didn't lie then you would be in there for another 10 minutes." He continues, gesturing with his hands that he's a busy guy.

"I would ask you what happened," Donghyuck pushes back his chin, revealing his notorious third chin. "But, then that would make me care."

Oh, haha.

Mark scratches his neck as he tries his best to wipe out the stain on his pants. He wonders if he can get away with it until gym class since he had a pair of shorts in his locker. "You don't think anyone noticed right?"

Try him.

Everyone and their mom noticed. It was quite obvious Mark was attracting a lot of attention. Look at those eyes, it's like they never seen a boy jerk off in the janitors closet before. Weak! "Sure, Susan—I mean, Mark."

From the corner of Mark's eyes, he can see Renjun giving Donghyuck his usual disgusted look. Some say he was born with that resting bitch face, but others say it's just an act for him to piss off his competition. "You do know he's glaring at you, right?"

Quite frankly, Mark had to be captain obvious. What, if he's not glaring at him then what was he doing? Pfft, Donghyuck swears he's one step away from shoving a finger up his ass. "One day, I'm going to make him beg on his knees and kiss my feet."

"Don't you mean dick?" Mark says, glancing at his best friend who eats dick for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. "I mean, he's cute, right?"

Donghyuck wants to revoke his friendship card with Mark. He had crossed the line! Sure, if the reincarnation of Satan's butthole was cute, then yeah, but clearly it's not! "Don't let his pretty face fool you. He's pure evil."

Oh Mark 🤠

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