His dad seemed to finally get it he put a hand over his mom's shoulder.

"Mitsuki, I don't think he's really back, this... this is temporary isn't it Katsuki?"

He nodded at his dad holding his gaze at them. His mom looked at him shocked at the revelation.

"We...need to tell the heroes! Aizawa at least needs to know, this way, we can find a way to get you back."

He sighed and nodded.

"Would you like some spice cookies?"

Katsuki rolled his eyes but nodded. He took a bite and was in heaven. His dad's spice cookies were the best.

"Ah, sorry I slept a bit Um, I heard a bit of a commotion is everything-"

Katsuki only got to make eye contact before kirishima tackled him to the floor. He held him down.

"Mrs. And Mr. Bakugou! This could be a clone or even a imposter. Please be careful!"

Katsuki was about to speak but stopped him self. He tapped shitty hair and made him look into his eyes. He stared for a few moments before tearing up. He let Katsuki go and grabbed him into a hug.

"God! I...I was starting to lose hope y'know? You invited me here, and I thought I would have to spend it without you. How are you here?"

Masaru sighed.

"Kirishima, I, I know you're happy and this is the happiest I have seen you since, but, he can't really stay. He's here temporarily. He can't speak either. It's, I'm assuming a cost for even being here."

Kirishima looked at Katsuki who nodded at him. He ate his spice cookies even went to grab a container for them.

"Are...are you being fed over there?? Oh my god, are you like starving and-"
"I'm pretty sure he just wants those spice cookies kirishima, otherwise he wouldn't be in such perfect health or rather be grabbing real food."

Katsuki nodded as he closed the container with the cookies. Mitsuki came back in.

"Aizawa is on his way, only him, I told him how this is temporary and he said that he should be over soon."

Katsuki, nodded.

"...can I tell the others? I mean, so many people want to see you but I don't think it's a good idea to bring everyone here."

Kirishima sighed and leaned against Katsuki.

"I mean, I think everyone just really needs a sign that your here. Some proof that your okay, like a photo...or video!"

Before kirishima could say more Aizawa was at the door. As soon as he was let in he used his quirk on Katsuki finding the boy to still be himself he turned it off.

"I heard you can't really talk, so maybe write."

He handed Katsuki a marker and board.

'Thank fuck! It's so fucking difficult to get things through or even to stay quiet.'
'Okay, first things first, I can't tell you how I got here, that info is dangerous to our world. It could be used for evil. Second, I have been transported to a another dimension. They don't have quirks or they do but they don't call it that. They call people with natural quirks mutants. Third, they have heroes there but there isn't a lot of them. They have to train, and fucking kids my age or less get to be full fledged heroes is they got training or even decide to.'

Aizawa took all the information in as Katsuki had to erase and write things to get all the details down.

"So, it was correct to assume you've been transported somewhere else. After the first two months we ran a scan for all over the world. Who knows where that woman sent you, second, the woman who sent you away was question about her quirk and all the things but something happened. She...there is a mole and they seemed to sent word to the villains about the lady who got rid of you. So they kidnapped her. But...they were really out for it. Bakugou, it's not gonna be easy getting you back from our side, since the villains took away her quirk. We've tried everything to rehabilitate her quirk or even find others who could help but it's been difficult. I'm, glad to know you are safe after all this. What more can you tell me about this other world. I want you to thank those heroes on my part for taking you in."

Katsuki paused hearing all that's been going on from his world.

'I will, and over there, we have someone who can bring me back, like how I'm temporarily here. He...he's close to getting me back here permanently but it's going to take awhile. For more stuff..I guess I should mention that heroes seem to originate from America, and there seem to be less and rarer for quirks to be in Europe. It's been hard having to learn the language and even use it. There is also some other worlds within that one. Asgard is a kickass place, I kinda wish I could explain it but I rather be able to speak rather than just write it out.'

Aizawa nodded. Mitsuki coughed as she pushed a nervous kirishima forward.

"Uh, Sensei? Would it be alright if I were totakeavideoofbakugouanduseitasawaytoshowourclassthatheisalright?"

He said really fast. Aizawa barely being able to get all of it smiled and ruffled his hair.

"Knowing you, you'd have done so with or without my permission. So yeah, but I'm going to need you to show it during class so that there be no leakage of information."

Kirishima smiled and nodded.

"Yeah! Okay! Blasty we gotta make a video of you so grab a chair and write some moral boosting shit on your board!"

The boys got to work as bakugou wanted to do anything with the red haired boy. He missed kirishima so much. He's going to miss him again after this trip but itd be worth it. After finishing the video he decided to spend Christmas with his family. He quickly remembered the machine tony had him bring. He grabbed it from his pocket as Aizawa looked at it.

"What's that?"
'Supposedly a communicator that could work through dimensions.'

Was all he wrote before pressing the button. After a few seconds it turned on and a mini Holo screen of Tony was on.

"Shit, it's been a few minutes on our side didn't think you'd use it so soon. How's is hanging kid?"

He spoke in English. Katsuki was about to reply before a hand came over his mouth. Right, he almost forgot. Kirishima stared at the device in his friends hand. He immediately grabbed it looking it over.

"This is the coolest shit ever, dude, your so lucky! I mean, I guess not since this whole thing sorta sucks but I mean, it's good that you have this sorta stuff. Maybe we can communicate from here to you when you get back!'

Tony was a bit baffled as the spikey red haired guy fiddled around with his communicator.

"Katsuki, can you tell your friend to stop fiddling around, it's messing with the visual."

Katsuki rolled his eyes but grabbed the thing away from kirishima. Aizawa took it and pointed it at him.

"I hear you are the heroes to take care of bakugou, I wish to thank you from the heroes on our world for taking him in. Is there more to this comm-invention?"

Aizawa said in a bit of a thick English.

"Ah! It might be hard to keep it on all the time. Since I'm not sure if you can find a energy source similar to the one I used there. I think we should try to communicate at least once a week to keep each other updated. I'm Tony Stark, I go by Iron man."
"That's seems fair, I'm Aizawa Shota, I go by eraserhead. Mr. stark, I would enjoy to know more about your world and how Katsuki is progressing there. It's seems he's in shape. But academically I fear some things."

Katsuki groaned at the mention of more homework. He already had to go to American school, now he had to deal with UA studies.

"Bro! You are so dead. Like, I can't even begin how much stuff you missed.'

Katsuki exploded kirishima's face as if it was nothing.

"The Hell Katsuki?? Did you just kill someone-"

Tony was cut off as the spikey haired teen laughed it off as his face was hardened.

"No worries mister!" He said.

His accent really thick but the message was clear enough. Tony was a bit put off with the whole thing.

"I..okay, I guess either way,we sent him to American school over here. So far, he has been doing great. We can't exactly send him into some higher classes because they won't offer and I can't really teach him."

And that's all I got for now, I wanna continue it sorry it's no longer Christmas time but I felt bad Ah bug to have people wait a year for This!

THE F*CK IS A AVENGER?!!(My Hero Academia X Marvel Crossover Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now