Occult Club

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Obviously, Oka had no reason to suspect anyone was following her. But she did feel a little unnerved throughout the remainder of the 'before school' segment and during lunch, both times she spent up on the rooftop watching the basu twins from a distance that she deemed 'hidden'.

After school, following the cleaning session of the day, she made her way to the occult club so she could see - and meet the new members - everyone again. Seconds upon opening the door, everyone looked at her. A smile burst on Supana's face, she was laying on the rug with a book about ghouls in hand (A manga maybe? Oka thought to herself) but she soon pulled herself up and ran over to hug/greet her friend. "Great!" she squealed in delight. "You're here!"

Oka simply smiled before moving onto her substitute leader, Shin, with a petite smile gracing her lips. The dark haired boy smiled at her before passing her a red piece of cloth, that she soon recognised - from the pentagon decorating it's surface - as the 'sign of leadership armband'. Gently, she pulled it up her arm whilst easing around her wrist. "I was keeping it quite safe until you returned," the teenage boy explained, before taking his seat that was situated between the two doors.

"Arigato, Shin...." she smiled, before turning to the rest of the club. "Mind if I ask for...the names of the new members?"

The two newest members looked up, clearly surprised. They hadn't met the official leader of the club - sure they knew Shin wasn't the leader - and neither knew how to react upon seeing Oka and her frail form. The girl of the pair spoke up first, as she shuffled around in her seat near the right door to the room. Across her face was a massive bandage, obscuring her right eye from complete view. "My name is Kokuma Jutsu, first year from class 1-2."

After Kokuma settled down, the other first year, a boy wearing glasses, spoke up and introduced himself. "And I'm Daku Atsu, it's a pleasure to meet the official leader of the occult club. I do hope we can get along."

Oka smiled at the pair. Daku seemed really polite and Kokuma seemed quite shy and quiet, they both fit quite well amongst their group. Though, the question about Kokuma's bandage was definitely ringing in her mind - but she decided against asking. Though, she definitely planned to ask Supana about her eye patch when she had a chance. They had been friends for years, surely it wouldn't be considered disrespectful to question her friend's current state?

"Alright, let us begin a ritual...." she whispered, opening one of her many books in attempt to distract herself from her concern for her friend's eye problems. It didn't take long before the club assembled in the middle of the room around the candles that Oka gently placed along the edges of the pentagon-marked rug. Taking a deep breathe, she started to speak in the tone required for the spell when......

The door burst open, sending a massive draft that extinguished the flames and surprised the occultists. There, at the door, was a young averagely skinned and dark haired girl with beautiful eyes of deep sliver. For a second, Oka forget all about her interest in Taro and focused entirely on the young beauty that had just entered the room. Mentally shaking her head, she moved over to greet the 'intruder'. "Um.....hi?"

"Who's the leader here?" the girl asked, not even bother to return the greeting and instead to ask the question. Her voice wasn't necessarily rude, but it held no politeness and was just....dead. Empty. Oka didn't even know how to explain it. But she soon had no choice, but to abandoned these thoughts as everyone in the room supplied the mystery girl with her requested information by pointing towards Oka. "So you're the club leader, mind if I join this club?"

"J-join?" Oka whispered in surprise, she never once expected anyone to join the club. Even before the 1st years joined, it had mostly been for her and her small clique of friends. She, Shin and Supana had made it with no expectations of people joining. Chojo had been a pleasant surprise along with a former student that left due to being a third year the previous year. Never did she expect Kokuma and Daku, and she certainly wasn't expecting this new person. "Um....do y-you mean it?....Y-you a-actually....want to join....?"

"Sure, I have some interest in the stuff that the occult club does and I'm not apart of any other clubs currently so....I thought I should join," the dark haired girl stated, but there didn't seem to be a touch of actual interest in her voice. "By the way, my name is Ayano Aishi and I'm a 2nd year student."

Whilst she wasn't fully sure about the intentions of this 'Ayano' girl, she wouldn't refuse any wish to join her club - she knew that most people found them scary or weird, if someone didn't...then maybe the world wasn't so bad. Pulling out a choker from her bag, she handed it to Ayano and whispered in her typical shy tone of voice when talking to strangers. "Y-you're an official member n-now...."

Turning away, she headed back over to the candles to relight the extinguished ones. Some of the members of the club were looking a little uncomfortable, was it due to the sudden inclusion of a 7th member? Had the group gotten that comfortable as a group of 5 whilst she wasn't around and only accepted out due to her being Supana and Shin's childhood friend/club leader? She hadn't to think like that, but she didn't know....Suddenly, a hand appeared on her back and she looked to see Supana with a cute little smile. "Let's r-restart!"

That was just what her brain needed as she restarted the ritual, after handing a black robe to Ayano to put on like the other members. Maybe things could work out, after all she did like the idea of another member of the club. Someone else that wouldn't make fun of the club for it's interests....

If only she had seen Ayano's mouth as she smirked at the club leader's unsuspecting features.....

Innocence and murder? ~ Yandere Simulator Fanfic (Eventual Okayano)Where stories live. Discover now