Dresses, Outfits, Fittings, Oh My! Ch. 27

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May's POV

I wrapped the tape around Serena's arm and wrote down the measurements on the notepad.

"How long have you known how to take measurements?" Serena asked as she cocked her head to see the pad.

"Hmm... my mom taught me when I was... five maybe? Hold this please," I had her hold the tape as I took more measurements.

"So you've been doing this for a while?"

I nodded. "It's not too hard." I gathered the measuring tape and wrapped it up.

"Alright, thanks," I smiled at her.

"No problem. Besides, you and your mom are the ones we should be thanking. She's making our outfits," Serena said.

"Well, she willingly did that. She was excited even. But you're welcome I guess," I grinned. "You were the last one so I should go back to Mom..."

"Did you do the guys, too?" Serena asked.

"Yeah. Gary said I was molesting him since I had him take off his shirt for me to take measurements," I replied.

Serena blushed slightly. "W-Were they in their underwear?"

I chuckled a bit at the face she was making. "No, they were all wearing shorts so they didn't have to take anything below their waist off." Then I grinned at her. "What? You jealous that I saw Ash bare-skinned?"

Serena blushed brighter and shook her flustered face. "N-No! I-It's not like that!"

I laughed. "I was just kidding, Serena!"

She huffed and calmed herself down. "Did you talk to Drew then?"

My grin slowly fell into an awkward smile. "I tried to, but he just wouldn't budge."


The door opened and Drew walked in.

"You're taking measurements?" He asked.

I nodded and flipped the notepad to a clean page. "Mom asked me to help since she's making everyone's outfits for the ball tommorrow," I looked up at him. "Could you stand over there? And take off your shirt?"

He flushed but I was to occupied to notice. Drew walked over to the area I pointed out and took off his shirt, placing it on the floor. I took out the tape and wrapped it around his arm.

For a while, I worked in silence, Drew refusing to speak and I being too focused on my task. It wasn't until I was finished measuring his waist that I realized this was the perfect opportunity to make him talk.

"So..." I started. "What's been up with you lately?"

"Huh?" Drew sounded in response.

I sighed. "You've been acting weird, Drew. You're being quiet and antisocial and... distant. Is everything alright?"

I looked him in the eye and watched as he turned away with a troubled look.

"Everything's fine... it's not a place for you to butt into..." Drew mumbled.

"It is my place to butt in!" I growled as I moved the tape around his neck and pulled it down towards me. He look at me with wide, startled eyes.

"You are my friend and I have every right to butt in because I'm worried about you. If there's something going on, you can tell me," My voice cracked with desperation. "Please, Drew..."

Drew sighed and grabbed his hands, wrapping his fingers around my fists. "I'm sorry..." He said softly. "But I shouldn't. It's my problem and I don't want you worrying about it. So please... don't ask about it again."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2019 ⏰

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