The Answer

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Bakugou POV:

                          This week is a school holiday.So,in the morning, I took my phone and started to message him.

                                              Good morning! Why didn't you go to the cafe last night?:Bakugou

                          I decided to lay down while waiting for him to reply.

Y/n POV:

                 In the morning, I took my phone and read the message. I wanted to reply his message but i don't know what to say. So, I ate my breakfast and looked at the phone but i still didn't reply. i played with my hamster and looked at my phone but still didn't reply. i played candy crush  on my laptop and looked a my phone but i still didn't reply . then, i passed by the phone and decided to reply him.

Y/n:I am really sorry! I was very busy so I couldn't go to the cafe last night.                                                       I am very sorry! 

                   He read the message and reply me.

It's alright.:Bakugou

              I felt relieved because I got to reply his message.I went out of my dorm and decided to have a walk all over U.A High. Suddenly, I saw Bakugou walking too. I called his name. and he turned his head around to see me. I took a picture of him doing that. Then, he noticed i did that and ran to me.

"Why did you take my picture?"

"Because you looked cool doing that."

"Delete that picture now!"

"Only on one condition."

"One condition?"

"Starting from now on, your my friend."


"Okay, I'll delete it."

"Now, walk somewhere else."

"But I wanted to walk here first."


"Who was the person you were expecting last night?"


"Just tell me. I won't tell anyone."


"Unknown? The character from "Lawak Kampus"(a character from the comic, you can google i if you want to.)?!"

"No! Not that Unknown! He's a friend who messages me every time i'm angry or stressed out."

"Oh....So you call him Unknown because you didn't ask his name?"


"Are you sure he's guy? He might be a girl."

"Oh! I didn't thought of that."

"Why don't you meet him again?"

" Okay."

"Tomorrow we'll talk about it."

My Unknown Friend (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now