"Okay, lets load this shit in!" I announce. The boys whoop in response and we get out.

After bringing the stuff into my room, we decide what to do first: hair dye or paint.

"I say we do hair dye first. Because then we can paint while it's workin'!" I say.

"I agree, it'll be much quicker." Gerard agrees.

Mikey however, hates the idea.

"No! No, no, no! You two will be busy dying your hair and I'll be sat here, bored!"

"You could always paint while you're waiting, or help us with the dye?" Gerard offers.

I can practically see Mikeys brain cogs whirring as he contemplates the idea.

"Okay!" Me and Gerard sigh in succession.

We go into my en suite and line up the dyes in a line on the floor. Gerard's just going to dye his roots bright blue, but I'm gonna go black, and then dip-dye the ends lime green.

"Okay, I suggest I do Elles allover black, because I've done it before. Mikey, you can do mine and Elle can do her dip-dye." He looks at us in question. Me and Mikey both nod and shrug in agreement.

Gerard opens my dye and prepares. When he has the gloves I look around for a towel.

"Not meaning to sound pervy Elle, but it would be less messy if you took your top off..." Mikey offers.

I agree with him. The last time I dyed my hair, I got purple all over the floor and towel.

So that's how I end up; topless, wearing a black bra in the middle of a bathroom with a gorgeous boy spreading black dye through my long hair with careful fingers. Said boy is also trying to avoid looking at said girl in bra but keeps failing his attempts. I truly feel sorry for him right now- he's obviously not a ladies man, and he looks pretty uncomfortable. I can see Mikey smirking at us from his reflection in the mirror- I am so gonna kill him later.

"Okay done." Gerard says, his tone is clipped. I really feel for him now.

"Thanks, and sorry for the... you know." I gesture around my chest area. He flicks his eyes to the ceiling and nods, his expression seems very panicked now.

"It's fine, doesn't bother me." Mikey makes a 'hmpf' noise from across the room and Gerards eyes stay on the ceiling.

After several slightly awkward seconds, Mikey takes Gerards hair dye and gets ready.

He smoothes the blue mixture on Gerards roots and I sit on the toilet (A/N: lol) and watch.

"Done!" Mikey announces. Gerard tips his head forward and checks out Mikeys work.

"Nice! Thanks Mikes, this'll be great!" Mikey just smiles proudly.

"So, should we start on the paint?" I offer.

Gerard nods. "Yeah, then in ten minutes we can wash the dyes out. I can't wait!"

I grin back at him. "I know, me neither!"

Once again, Mikey is silent, but shaking his head.

We go back into my room and get out the paint brushes, rollers etc... all that shiz and get painting!

My phone alarm soon goes off, alerting us that our time's up. I'm relieved because that was one awkward ten minutes! (I was still topless!)

Gerard showers in my bathroom and I go into the main one.

When I've washed it out, and got dressed I head back into my room where I find a topless Gerard. Again. This is the second time I've seen him half naked! Aargh! Why god, must you make my life so awkward?!

An MCR fanfic (which I need help for a name!)Where stories live. Discover now