Chapter three

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Dan's POV-

"Come on, Dan!" Diane prods me in the side.

"I don't have legs" I tut. She laughs.

"Come on, to your room" she says kindly, helping me up and holding my arm gently. I put a hand out infront of me so as to make sure I'm not hitting anything. She gently guides me to my room. It's a pretty smooth walk, until I feel my hand forcefully press into something.... no, someone. I quickly take my hand away.

"Sorry" i apologise. I hear no answer.

"Uh, hello?" I ask, confused.

"Dan, he can't hear" Di whispers.

"Ohh" I catch the drift and sign:

Sorry, I didn't see you.

"He says it's ok" another voice, one I haven't heard before, says.

"Who are you?" I ask, feeling around for her.

"I'm Dominika, Phil's guide" she explains.

"And who's Phil?" I ask. I hear laughter.

"Phil's the one you just bumped into" Di laughs.

"Oh, ok" I giggle.

"Hey, can I touch your faces? Just so I can know who you guys are" I ask while signing.

"It's fine with me and Phil" Dominika says.

"Thanks" I smile, as someone lifts my hand to their face.

"That's me" Dominika says. I nod and feel my hand being transferred to someone else. Their hand feels warm against my own. They put my hand on their cheek and I feel around. Something makes me want to... not take my hand off his smooth face. I linger my hand there for a moment, before letting my hand drop back down to my side.
"Phil says he thought blind people don't actually touch faces." Dominika translates.
"I do, I used to watch these movies where they did and I suppose I picked it up from there." I shrug. It's true. When I was going blind that was always the thing that people did. I suppose I did that so I could pretend it was all a movie. But that was when I was scared and felt alone. This is just life now. It's harder, obviously, but it doesn't mean I can't do most things people with perfect sight can do.
"Well it was nice Meeting you, I have to go now, I'll see you guys around" I sign whilst talking.

"Phil says he'll look forward to it and i guess I do too! Goodbye Dan, Diane" She says before I hear them walking off.

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