Chapter one

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Dan's POV-

I can't see. I'm blind. Completely and utterly blind. I was born with very bad eyesight and it was told to me that I'd become blind one day. I guess I was always prepared for it, but when my vision disappeared completely it was sudden. It wasn't gradually. It was like being used to seeing everyone as beautiful clouds, then all of a sudden not seeing at all. It was scary. And traumatic. I got angry. And frightened. So my parents sent me to a school for disabled people. It was actually quite good because you never got bullied. Especially for the things that most people target: my voice and my height. But, people were either blind or deaf, so they didn't target it. Now, however, I'm in a care home for disabled people, if you will. I thought it was a good idea to come here seeing as it lets me learn more about how to get around with this... lack of sight that I have. I have a guide called Diane who helps a lot. She's very nice and it's been told to me that she has bushy brown hair and blue eyes. I mean, I guess life could be worse, but I'll never be able to see again, and, if I meet someone who I eventually fall in love with, I'll never get to see their face.

NOTEE- wuhhey I'm back with a new story! This is going to be sweet. Not sad. Maybe a little sad. But mostly sweet. There, I've said my piece, bye.

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