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The wind showered the car with a quick rainbow of russet and bronze leaves as the car slowed and stopped.

Freya stepped down first. Her uniform crisp and her hair ,strands of copper, gold and rust, in an elegant ponytail much like the tail of Dusk back at the stables. She grinned childishly and took in the splendor of her new school. Her peacock hued eyes taking everything and missing nothing.

Harper was next. She admired the olden feeling it gave but it didn't sit well with her. She had pleaded on several occasions for this but why was this place haunting her? Harper tossed the pool of hair like the waves of an ocean in a storm over her shoulders and blindly followed her sister forward. She ignored the stairs. She ignored the hallway. She ignored the door. She snapped out of her daze and took it all in. The room she would sleep in while she stayed here. The room was very spacious. There were two parallel beds all dressed in cream and white like brides. What grabbed her attention was the little lawn in the center of the room. The grass was a satisfying green and the smell of earth and flowers filled the room. In the center of the room was a small artificial pond. The water rolled over the smooth stones and in it swam a solitary albino turtle. Its shell was honey with black at the edges towards its head and a starburst of white from the bottom edge. It glided with grace across the water with its white marble limbs like the wings of an angel.

'Eww,' Harper muttered.

Freya twisted round and gasped so sharply she had a little coughing fit afterwords.

'It's lovely so shut up'

Harper groaned and dove into the left bed as if it was already clear it was hers. Freya raised a brow and Harper stared back like Yes, I like the bed. What do you want me to do about it? With that, Freya gently sat on the right bed, feeling the fabric under her fingers as if to confirm if it was of high quality. In satisfying silence, they gazed out the huge glass window between them. The sky darkened and everything feel under a shadow as the sun dipped into the horizon. The bags and boxes lay near the door still loaded full and unpacked. Night fell and the sisters slept.

Morning came and the twins dragged themselves from their beds towards their luggage like zombies. Harper reached and grabbed the bag at the very top of her pile and with a soft thud, it fell. The sounds of sliding zippers, clicking latches and clanging locks were all that could be heard for about an hour.

Freya's wet feet made little splashing sounds on the cold tiles as she scurried out of the shower a while later and Harper hurried in. Shortly after, Harper gets out and gets dressed. The carefree girl threw on a plain custard yellow shirt and jeans. She parked her wild wave of locks in a classic ponytail and grunted for Freya who wore her favorite pair of jeans and a lilac blouse with a leather and sheep wool jacket. She tossed an identical one to Harper.

'Don't forget it's autumn, Hat,'

'I told you to stop calling me that,'

Freya chuckle was like pebbles on the beach smooth from years of rubbing and washing dropping into a wine glass one by one and soon Harper found herself laughing a chocked laugh as they recalled the day Harper snatched hats off the heads of strangers simply because she was dared to by an idiot.

The girls waltzed down the monotonous corridor as they stepped out. Both secretly disgusted by the maroon rug, the golden patterned wallpaper and the eerie quiet but yet these things comforted them.

All of a sudden other plain wooden doors lined on the right wall burst open like flowers in the spring and several girls all thin, tall and poise sprang out. Most as energized as a spirited horse and others as robotic as those two girls who stared shocked as the bubbling crowd swept them away towards a large hall. The ceiling arced high above their heads and rectangular wooden tables circled by six chairs each were littered around the room. A few seconds later, a flood of boys entered the dining hall through a door just a few meters away from the door the girls used. The duo glanced around them and settled on a bench with a three simple looking girls all wearing workout clothes.

'Hello,' Freya grinned.

The girls looked at both of them for a split second and went on discussing.

'Excuse me,' Harper said. Her tongue dipped in mild annoyance.

The girls just whisked their sleek black ponytails and glared. A figure wearing an olive shirt, camel colored trousers, a silver grey jacket and a navy hoodie over it slide into the chair at the edge of the table closest to the twins. His hair was painted with the shades of midnight and he raised his head and his emerald green eyes twinkled like the night sky. A slow sly smile formed across his lips.

'Hi Freya and Hat,'

'Hello idiot,' Harper smirked.

The three girls now looked less snobby and more nervous as they shifted in their seats and gave practiced cosmetic smiles at the twins. Freya let her eyes wander and then noticed him. His champagne blonde hair lay in need of a trim and his amber eyes glinted with mischief as they looked at her and then were gone. Hat followed her gaze and those eyes flashed at them again. By now, Richard knew he was no longer the center of attraction.

'Don't. Just don't' he muttered in disapproval before the girls could even think about it.

'Why not? Are you jealous Richard Reynold?' Freya teased.

'Aw. Rich is jelly-ous,' Hat grinned.

'Weak and immature,'

They girls scoffed.

'Let me introduce you to the Brooklynns,' he gestured at the doltish girls who had been staring at them ever since. 'We usually call them B1, B2 and B3,' he said. The girls nodding at their labels from left to right.

'We don't care,'Hat spat. Her eyes drifted to the blonde boy and he whispers something to the dark haired boy beside him then both turned their direction and chuckled.

'Who are those two?'

Richard turned and pointed at the amber eyed blonde, 'That is Christopher. His position of captain of the swim team literally defines him.' His finger adjusted itself and he again announced 'That guy is his best bud, Sebastian. He is okay and really loves to dance. There.'

He rose from his seat and grinned boyishly, 'Now, who would love to get some breakfast?'

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