Chapter 27

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~Following Day~

I awoke, with great pain throughout my body. The room was cold and dark end I didn't know what to do. I notice that there was blood stains on the blankets. There was not food and only a little bit of water. I notice the tub of water and I went over to it. I decide to drink some of this water and save the little amount of water I had. I drank the water from the tub then I decide that I was going to wash myself. When I finished bathing I notice that I was bleeding but I did not know why. I then thought well okay I am going to die of blood lost. I went over to the blankets are once again curled up in them and let myself fall back asleep thinking that I was never going to wake.

~Following Day~

I awoke to the sound of bars opening and I notice it was the big man, Javen was not in sight. He looked at me and said hello sweetheart. I did not say anything. He looked at my blood stain blankets and said well I see you have become women. I did not know what he meant by that. I think he knew that to so he sat down and told me that when I become age my body starts to change and once a month I will see blood coming from my body, its nothing to worry about. With saying that, he took the tub out of the room and he refilled it. He gave me food to eat and drinking water. He was talking to me. He told me that this life was chosen for me and him. How was this life chosen for me and him? He is not the one taken from his family and friends. The big man looked at me and said your name is Vala and you will be Javen’s Wife. He will treat you well and he will love you so you will love him. I then decided ask him how old am I and he replied "you are 14. With that he went away.

I know that I am 14 years old and I was abducted when I was 8 so that means I have been her for 7 years. I have missed 7 years of what life I would have had and I know that I will not be given that back. It’s time for me to accept that this is my life and this is all I know. Besides after 7 years my family and friends will not remember me, I barely remember them.

Vala (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now