Chapter 1

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You were sitting on a bench in a park. You loved nature. Every morning you come here and read a book or just walk. It makes you feel better. You were reading a book and someone came and sat next to you but you didn't bother to look up.

'Hey' the person next to me said.
You look up and it was a really cute boy. You don't really like to socialize with people but you were in a good mood today so you decided to talk to him.

'Hi' you said and smiled.
'Do you come here often?' He asked sweetly.
'Yeah, every morning' You replied.
'That's good.' He smiled.

He was kind but you had to go home so you got up to leave. 'Are you leaving?' He asked and stood up. 'Yeah sorry I have to go home'
'Um, can I have your number?' He asked and got a little shy.

'Sorry?' You personally don't like people so you don't talk to them. You were a lil' surprised by his question. 'Actually I just moved here and I don't know anyone here. I want to make new friends here thats why I asked for your number. It's okay if you don't want to give it to me. ' He said.

'I'm sorry but I cant give you my number'

'Oh, its okay' he smiled.

You smiled back and went back home.


Next morning

You got up early and took a shower. After the shower, you went to the park. You didn't bring your book today because you just wanted to walk and feel the air.

When you reached the park, you started walking and put your headphones in and started listening to some music. After a few songs, you felt a tap on your shoulder.

You turned around to see who it was and it was the same guy from yesterday. He was smiling and looked really cute.

'Hi, how are you?' He asked me sweetly. This guy is really nice and cute.

'Hey, I'm good and you?'

'I'm great.'

'Um, do you want to walk with me?' I asked awkwardly.

'Oh, sure.'

'Do you like taking walks too?' You asked him.

You were trying to be social. You didn't have any friends and you didn't want them either but since this guys seems to be sweet, you didn't want to be rude to him.

'Not really but since I have no friends here, I decided to come here to take a walk. It's really refreshing.' He simply replied.

'Haha, yeah it is.' You laughed a little.
Both of you were walking silently until you broke the silence.

'Do you want to drink coffee? I know a great cafe around the corner.'

He looks at you and nods cutely. You just laughed at his response.

You and him reached the cafe and ordered your coffee.

'So what's your name?' He asks you.
'Y/N and yours?'

'Kim Taehyung but you can call me V' he replies and makes a V with his fingers.

You laugh and say 'I don't like talking to people but I think you're gonna be an exception.'
'No one can resist my cuteness' he winks.
You smile and then ask for his number 'can I have your number?'

'Okayy!' He replies excitedly.
He types his number in your phone.

'I have to go now it was great talking to you.' You said.

'Bye Y/N' he waved.
You waved and went back home.

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