Character Bio

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Serious, distant, isolated, quiet, slowly opens up as he gets to know someone, can be kindhearted at times, reckless when it comes to battle.


Throwing knifes-
Basic throwing knifes

Katana-Regular katana for normal combat use

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Regular katana for normal combat use

Soul of Erebus-A black bladed katana that gives off a dark aura when taken out of its sheath

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Soul of Erebus-
A black bladed katana that gives off a dark aura when taken out of its sheath. The sword grants the user immense power capable of slaying gods, the sword gains more powerful the more anger the user feels, the drawback, the longer the user uses it, the more corrupted by the evil inside the soul gets. This is why it is only used at the most important of times.

 This is why it is only used at the most important of times

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(This what it will look like)


In control state-
as the name states, you are in full control of the katana and about 2% of its power but, will slowly start to loose sanity the more its used. Black marking along the arm will also appear across the arm. Power level is a bit higher than Issei's base form.

(Alright, it's 2020 so.. apparently I was stupid back like 2 years ago and wrote Issei's base form. Correction I meant his boosted form, like around after a couple hundred boosts to be exact.)

(In Control state form)

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(In Control state form)

A form triggered by emotion when the user feels he has hit rock bottom and/or full of rage. The black marks has engulf almost half the body as well as a red iris on the eye on the side located on the area with the mark. The user is given power is powerful enough to go toe to toe with Issei's balance breaker and only gets stronger the more anger he builds.

 The user is given power is powerful enough to go toe to toe with Issei's balance breaker and only gets stronger the more anger he builds

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(Bezerker form)

This is the ultimate form. A power strong enough to challenge multiple gods at once. The soul's been covered in nothing but darkness. Nothing matters at this point but just creating havoc. Some that have witnessed it before, had lived long enough to give it the nickname of "The embodiment of Ragnorak".

 Some that have witnessed it before, had lived long enough to give it the nickname of "The embodiment of Ragnorak"

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(Chaos Overdrive)

"Yea i know, i used a lot of fairy tail pictures but ey, can you blame me, they look awesome :)"

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